Bothenhampton Village


Present: Bob Dennis(Chair), Alan Stenning(Vice Chair), Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes, & Elizabeth Welch - 5 Parish Councillors attending.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


37.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution by B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of a friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.


38.1 There were apologies from - Sarah Butcher(Resigned), David Stubbs, & Karl Wallace.


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 9th July 2012 , were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


40.1- May 2012 - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60, November - 61 to 72, December - no Meeting, January 2013 - 73 to 84, February 2013 -85 to 96, March 2013 - 97 to 108, & April 2013 - 109 to 120. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

40.2 - Mr Ed Hanson was introduced to the Parish Council as a most suitable candidate to fill the Casual Vacancy in Walditch by way of resolution. It was proposed by Alan Stenning, and seconded by Elizabeth Welch, to co-opt Ed Hanson as a member of B&WPC from the date of this Meeting.


At 7.10 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.25 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There was 1 member of the public present at the Meeting -


David Tett was absent from the Meeting -


Mark Roberts was absent from the Meeting -


Ron Coatsworth - Related that Council Tax Support was changing to a more localised service of rebate, with the Government initially reducing their contribution to 90%. The proposed changes are not supposed to affect pensioners or the vulnerable who presently receive rebate. People of working age would initially have rebate reduced by 10%, and as not indexed linked the scheme in the whole of Dorset could be affected by £6M. It would seem that Precept for Town and Parish Councils is to remain at the same levels. Levels of reducing rebates is subject to negotiation in future months.

45.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 10th September 2012

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

1/D/12/000998 - 4 Uplands, Walditch - erect single storey extension -Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent - NB Application withdrawn from the Planning Register 9/8/12 -

1/D/12/000783 - 4 Nordons, Crock Lane - Erect first floor extension over garage and dormer window to rear - Corporate View of the parish Council is to recommend an Objection to Planning Consent for the reasons as listed in the PC Comments -

1/D/12/000854 - 1 Lake Lane - Single storey extension - Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend an Objection to Planning Consent for the reasons as listed in the PC Comments - -

1/D/12/001032 - 8A East Road,(Adjoining Parish) - Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent -

1/D/12/001070 - 50 Crock Lane - Erect semi-detached dwellings - Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend an Objection to Planning Consent for the reasons as listed in the PC Comments -

1/D/12/001192 - Westerley, 10A Bowhayes - Proposed single storey extension to rear and internal alterations - The Corporate Vie4w of the Parish Council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

1/D//12/001189(Listed Building), and 1/D/12/0001208 - 3 Hyde Cottages, Walditch - Demolish existing rear extension & erect rear extension as detailed in proposals - The Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent -

1/D/12/001206 - Pitfolds Farm, Shipton Gorge,(Adjoining Parish) - Single storey extension - The Corporate View of the Parish Council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1/D/12/000301 - Cosy Cot, Bothenhampton - Erection of shed - Amended Plan - Approval of Planning Permission -

1/D/12/000282 - Barnfield, Walditch - Grant of Non Material Amendment -NMA/12/00041 -

1/D/12/000821 - 20 Glebe Close, Bridport - Alterations & extension. Form pitched roof over existing garage - Approval of Planning Permission -

1/DE/12/000885 - Barn Corner, Westown - Change of use of land with log cabin for use as artist studio & construct wildlife pond(amended scheme) - Approval of Planning Permission -

1/D/12/000667 - Knowle Cottage, Old Church Road, Bridport - Erect extension and carry out alterations - Approval of planning Permission -

Appeal Ref : APP/F1230/A/12/2169028 - Land to the rear of 3 - 11a Uplands, Walditch - The appeal is dismissed -

46. FINANCE - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 10th September 2012

Receipts - Statement 79 - Business Reserve A/C - Paid in 0.61p

i) Statement 230 of Current Account as at 31 August 2012 £10140.61

NB - Statements 228 and 229 not presented to Meeting - see file notes - ii) Accounts for Payment

Cheque 1245 David Landscapes £576.10 - see Statement 230

Less outstanding cheques as listed :

Cheque £

1246 Clerk's July Salary - 379.08

1247 Clerk's August Salary - 379.08

1248 Bothenhampton Village Hall - Invoice 29 - 12.00

1249 Bothenhampton Village Hall - Invoice 35 - 12.00

1250 BDO LLP - External Audit - 342.00

1251 David Landscapes - 365.10

Total £1489.26

Balance £8651.35

Proposed for payment by Pennie Jones, seconded by Alan Stenning, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

47. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 10th September 2012 .

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

47.1 - Annual Review of Risk Assessment, Standing Orders, & Financial Regulations Action - Financial Regulations( Alan Stenning - lead Parish Councillor), - Approved by Parish Council on Monday 9th July 2012 - Annual Review of Risk Assessment( Elizabeth Welch - lead Parish Councillor), & Standing Orders( Pennie Jones - lead Parish Councillor), - Action - Annual Review of Standing Orders Approved by Parish Council, on the proviso that a detailed monitoring is carried out by lead Parish Councillor Elizabeth Welch throughout 2012/13 - Annual Review of Risk Assessment to be carried out by the October 2012 Meeting -

47.2 - The new Register of Members Interests document was distributed to all Parish Councillors present, with a request from the Clerk for members to complete and return by 28th July 2012 - Action - Parish Councillors were reminded of the request, and Elizabeth Welch and Pennie Jones completed the form during the Meeting -

47.3 - Walditch - John Gundry Play Area maintenance needs - Clerk requested to obtain estimates for reposting the existing fence - Action - David Landscapes quote of £225 was accepted and the Clerk instructed to monitor work progress -

47.4 - Audit for Year ended 31 March 2012 - Action - PC Approved and accepted the Annual Return, and noted that there were no issues other than the consideration that 'fixed assets were undervalued' - Clerk to seek advice and report to next Meeting -

47.5 - Lengthsman's duties for September 2012 -

Bothenhampton - to include -

1. Strim bottom part of Hollow Way path & remove cones -

2.Footpath clearance adjacent to Westown & leading to Lake Lane -

3. Weeds in pavement - Lake Lane -

4. path leading up from Pasture Way to Crock lane - strim -

Walditch - to include -

1. Spinners lane - clear drain & strim back -

2. Widen footpath from Walditch Road to Crock lane -

3. Transfer drain spoil on side of road to bank on other side -

At June Meeting, pointed out the deterioration of Notice Boards in Walditch Road, Pasture Way & Burton Road - Clerk to provide costs of replacement at July 2012 Meeting - Action - to be considered at September Meeting - Action - Estimates presented by Colin Sparkes to PC - further consideration to be made at October Meeting to include feasibility of present sites - 47.6 - Progress of High Pavement - Action - Clerk's Update for September 2012 - Action - All concreting work has finished, and stone facing is about half complete - understand that both pavement and road surface will be re-laid when all construction work is finished -

47.7 - Sycamore Avenue, Walditch - Action - no reply from enquiries to WDDC have been received by date of the Meeting - Action - telephone message from Graham Cox indicating that he will give update to September Meeting - Action -no contact has been made with WDDC Senior Tree Officer -

47.8 - DAPTC Evaluation - Clerk's Update - Area Representatives - Action - Information on DAPTC given to Elizabeth for assessment - Area Representatives for July Meeting - Action - further assessment for September Meeting - Action - Item was not covered at this Meeting - suggest to be on the Agenda for October -

47.9 - DCC Highways request for PC to consider proposed reduction of speed limit in Burton Road - Parish Councillors agreed for proposal to be placed on the September Meeting Agenda - Action - PC supports the consideration for a proposed reduction of speed limit from the Crown Roundabout to the 50 mph limit on the Burton Road - Clerk to inform DCC Highways -

47.10 - Response to letter from Stephen Legg, addressed to Chairman Bob Dennis & concerned about parking problems in Crock Lane - Action - PC considered the concerns expressed, and suggested that the Clerk contact Highways to request remarking of white lines -

47.11 - Due to pressure of work and family commitments, Sarah Butcher has decided to resign as of this Meeting date - Action - PC advised of decision and requested to seek a replacement for the Bothenhampton Ward -

47.12 - Dave Capewell of Ab Antiquo had expressed concern to the Chair re vehicles damaging the thatched porch of his Grade 11 home situated at the narrowest point of Main Street - wished to discuss implications of extending parking restrictions - Action - Dave Capewell had agreed to contact DCC Highways re options, and the matter to brought to the next Meeting in October 2012 -

47.13 - Bothenhampton Community Bus Review - PC informed of very low passenger numbers and understood that service would stop at the end of September 2012 -

Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the October 2012 Meeting -

There were no matters listed at the Meeting -

48. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
48.1 - DCC Snow Clearing Policy - correspondence to Pennie Jones -
48.2 - Archaeological and built Heritage Services from Bournemouth Archaeology - No Action -
48.3 - Appointment of External Auditor from 2012/13 - The PC noted that BDO LLP would remain as Auditor for five years commencing on 1st September 2012
48.4 - DAPTC letter requesting resolutions for AGM on 3rd November 2012 - No Action -
48.5 - Clerk's Seminar on Tuesday 18th September - Action - PC approved Clerk to attend -
48.6 - Housing Strategy Seminar - Friday 19th October 2012 - No Action -

The next Meeting of Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council will be held at BOTHENHAMPTON VILLAGE HALL on MONDAY 8 OCTOBER 2012, commencing at 7 pm. NB - Apologies given by Ed Hanson -

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 8.25 p.m.


Monday 10 September 2012 -

It was mentioned by Walditch resident Andrew Blackmore, that the footpath running diagonally from Walditch Road to Crock Lane was rather overgrown. He requested that cutting back the soil could reveal the tarmac surface and make the path much easier to use.

A suggestion was also made that the pile of spoil from the drain clearing in Walditch Road, could be transferred to the other side of the road where the bank is quite high. Both of these tasks can be referred to the Lengthsman.

Parish Councillor Colin Sparkes commented about the inadequate Flooding Grips in Walditch Road, and that new grips are to be formed in the near future by order of Dave Maunder, DCC.