Bothenhampton Village


Present: Bob Dennis(Chair),Alan Stenning(Vice Chair), Ed Hanson, Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes, & Elizabeth Welch. In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


49.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution of B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.



The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 9 September 2013, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


4.1- May 2013 - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60, November - 61 to 72, December - no Meeting, January 2014 - 73 to 84, February 2014 -85 to 96, March 2014 - 97 to 108, & April 2014 - 109 to 120. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.


At 7.09 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.20 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There were 0 members of the public present at the Meeting -


David Tett reported :-

1. It seems very likely we shall have a 43 Member Council as from May 2015, although the matter is still out for consultation.
It also seems likely that from May 2015, Bothenhampton will be included with Walditch and Bradpole in a two Member District Ward. This aspect of the Boundary Commission Review is also being consulted upon.
Effectively, the current 48 Membership of the District Council will then be reduced by 5 to 43 Members.

2. The amendments to the Local Plan are at present out for consultation, and there will be a further Meeting of the Bridport Town Council on Tuesday 22 October at the Town Hall at 7 pm to consider the implications.
I do know there is a lot of concern over the consultation process carried out by the District Council, and I understand that Hilary Jordan of WDDC will be on hand to deal with matters generally.

3. Arising from a spate of accidents on the A35, the Police and Crime Commissioner, Martyn Underhill is to undertake a Review of the County Roads infrastructure, and I have written to him to ask if he could look again in particular at the Miles Cross junction which continues to cause confusion amongst motorists.


Mark Roberts - Boundary Commission to 'equalise', all District Council Wards, and Bothenhampton, Walditch & Bradpole are to combine and become a 2 Member Ward by May 2015.

Mark agreed to consider the High Hedge problem at 3, The Green, Walditch.


Boundary Commission proposals - is encouraging Bradpole PC to outline their concerns to DCC -

Parking Meters in Bridport - now to be reviewed for the whole County -

Abbotsbury road closures from January to March 2014 - re laying replacement water pipe -

Reminder of forthcoming meeting with Chief Executive at Puncknowle regarding A35 road casualties -

DCC Insurance Policies for people who work on the road - Ron will send details to the PC - contact given - Steven Howard 01305 224269 -

57.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 14 October 2013

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

1/D/13/001146 - 15 Maple Gardens - sent recommendation for Approval 24/9/13 -

1/D/13/001230 - 23 Lansdowne Road - sent recommendation for Approval on 24/9/13 -

1/D/13/001023 - Bay Trees Hill, Walditch - Install double doors with side frames and balcony to bedroom - Action - Corporate View of PC is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc

1/D/13/000756 - 21 Elwell - Approval of Planning Permission -

1/d/13/001146 - 15 Maple Gardens - Approval of Planning Permission -

58. FINANCE AGENDA - B&WPC MEETING - Monday 14 October 2013

Receipts - Precept - September 2013 - £11620.50
LCTS Grant - Sept 2013 663.00 - Total £12,283.50 i) Statement of Current Account as at 30 September 2013 - £23,788.21

ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed :

Cheque £

1314 - Walditch Village Hall Trust - 1000.00

1315 - Bothenhampton Village Hall Committee - 1000.00

1316 - C T Dobbs - September 2013 Salary - 379.08

1317 - HMRC - July/August/September 2013 - 284.31

1318 - C T Dobbs - Office Accommodation - July to Sept. 2013 - 97.50

1319 - Talk Talk Business - Broadband Fee 2013/14 - 199.58

1320 - Bridport Town Council - Lengthsman 960.00

1321 - Black & White IT Ltd - Computer Service - 60.00

1322 - David Landscapes - Grass Cutting - 306.05 1323 - C T Dobbs - October 2013 - Expenses - 38.8

Total £4325.36

Balance £19,462.85

Proposed for payment by Elizabeth Welch, seconded by Pennie Jones, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

59. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 14 October 2013 .

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

59.1 - Playground Equipment for the John Holt Play Area -
Action for September Meeting - need to consider estimates for Play Area Repairs - Action - Pennie to contact Company re swing replacements -
Action for October Meeting - No Action - to consult with BTC re a suitable Company for purchasing replacement Play Equipment -

59.2 - Walditch Green Garden -
Action at September Meeting - to obtain estimates to remove all shrubs and plants - re grass area around seat -
Action at October Meeting - Approved estimated Day Rate from David Landscapes & agreed for work to go ahead asap - Clerk to check in Financial Regulations re estimate limit -

59.3 - Funding for recreation in Bothenhampton -
Action for September Meeting - to consider Funding for recreation in Bothenhampton - Action Letter and Application Forms given to Pennie -
Action for October Meeting - Agreed that Funding should be used for improvements to John Holt Play Area - with 2 picnic tables & a decking patio -

59.4 - Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor in Bothenhampton - Action -
Action for September Meeting - to remind PC of continuing Casual Vacancy - Action - All Councillors present agreed to consider problem -
Action for October Meeting - Problem was considered, but no specific names put forward.

59.5 - Lengthsman's duties for October 2013 -

Bothenhampton - to include - Hollow Way - to strim top and bottom banks. To consider how to remove algy on Footpath from Westown to Lake Lane -

Walditch - Lower Walditch Road - Grips to be cleared, and drain near The Hyde -

- To notify BTC of dislodged stones in Cemetery Wall -
- Clean out gully adjacent to Hyde Farmhouse -

59.6 - Aftermath of July 2012 Flooding - Action - Agreed that consideration to be given to the pipe outlet to Wanderwell Stream, which runs alongside Groves Nursery. To consult with BTC and Highways Connect- Action at September Meeting - need to contact BTC and Highways Connect -
Action at October Meeting - Clerk informed Meeting that e mail had been sent to BTC -

59.7 - Back up for Clerk & Salary Review -
Action at October Meeting - Suggested that Clerk contacts DAPTC to review local action -

59.8 - Erosion of Bank in Hollow Way - Action - Clerk reported that he had conversation with DCC Highway Maintenance Manager, Martin Hill - Action - understand from DCC that another company now has contract and will be reporting in due course -
Action at September Meeting - Members have noticed that weeds are growing on bank -
Action at October Meeting - Understand that a 1 day Road Closure of Hollow Way is scheduled for Tuesday 29 October 2013, in order to carry out work on landslip area of bank.

59.9 - Hollow Way Bank - dangerous overhang - Action - Clerk has spoke to Martin Hill, and understands that the matter is being investigated - Clerk to update - Action - to be initially actioned by Lengthsman, and DCC Highways have been requested to consider further maintenance.
Action at September Meeting - No Action taken -
Action at October Meeting - need to follow up for next Meeting -

59.10 - Pedestrian Access to Cemetery Play Area - Action - Matter to be fully considered at September Meeting -
Action at September Meeting - Estimates to be obtained for Amenity Gate -
Action at October Meeting - Clerk has arranged site meeting with David landscapes for 15/10/13 -

59.11 - Discussion of Neighbourhood Plan - Colin to lead -
Action at October Meeting - Colin to attend the 17 October BLAP Meeting, but suggested that PC do not go ahead with Plan involvement -

59.12 - St Mary's Churchyard, Walditch , Grant Application -
Action at October Meeting - The amount of £1100 was granted, and this matched the amount granted earlier in the year for Bothenhampton Churchyard.
Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the November 2013 Meeting.
Clerk requested that 2 Parish Councillors consulted with him regarding Budget Preparation for 2014 -2015, prior to the November Meeting - Bob & Pennie volunteered - Clerk to arrange suitable date -

60. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
60.1 - Bothenhampton Village Hall AGM - 4/11/13 - PC were notified of date -
60 .2 - WDDC - Extension of Local Plan - to Colin -
60.3 - NALC - Local Councils Explained - £49.99 - PC agreed not to purchase -
60.4 - WDDC - Code of Conduct Proposals - to Elizabeth -
60.5 - Comfy Play leaflet - to Pennie -

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at BOTHENHAMPTON VILLAGE HALL, on MONDAY 11November 2013, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 8.07 p.m.


Monday 14 October 2013 -

There were no members of the public present, but Elizabeth Welch raised an enquiry about possible road closures for children's play - Action - has agreed to investigate the matter.