Bothenhampton Village


Present: Bob Dennis(Chair), Alan Stenning(Vice Chair), Ian Bark, Geoff Matthews, Pennie Jones, & Ed Hanson(Co-opted at May 2015 Meeting - see Minute 4.2a).

In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


1.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution of B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.



The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 13 April 2015, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


4.1- May 2014 - 1 to 11, June - 12 to 22, July - 23 to 33, August - no Meeting, September - 34 to 44, October - 45 to 55, November - 56 to 66, December - no Meeting, January 2016 - 67 to 77, February 2016 -78 to 88, March 2016 - 89 to 99, & April 2016 - 100 to 110. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

4.2 - Nomination results & Co-option of Ed Hanson - see Minute 10.9 in Parish Matters - Proposed by Geoff Matthews, seconded by Pennie Jones, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


At 7.24 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.26 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's Agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There were 0 members of the public present at the Meeting.


There were Apologies from Dave Rickard - newly elected District Councillor for Bridport South.

Sandra Brown & Frances Mackenzie were also elected to Bridport South.


Ron commented on the present financial gap in provision of DCC Services, particularly for older people.

8.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 11 May 2015.

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

WD/D/15/000587 Quarry Cottage - Confirmation of Compliance -

WD/D/15/000915 - Church Hayes Farm - Change of Use -

WD/D/15/000531 - Highfield, Walditch - Approval -

9. FINANCE AGENDA - B&WPC MEETING - Monday 11 May 2015.

Receipts - Precept - £12049.00

i) Statement of Current Account as at 30 April 2015 - £22403.52

ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed :-

Cheques £

1416 - C T Dobbs - Clerk's April Salary - 404.33

1417 - AON - Annual Insurance Prmium - 851.95

1418 - David Landscapes - Grasscutting - 283.60

1419 - C.T.Dobbs - May 2015 Expenses - 51.30 1420 - WW1 & WW2 Memorial Plaque - St. Mary's Church - 600.00

Total £2191.18

Balance £20212.34 Cheques as listed proposed for payment by Pennie Jones, seconded by Geoff Matthews, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

10. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 11 May 2015.

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

10.1 - Annual Return 2015 - The Annual Return and Audit for the year ending 31 March 2015 -

Action at May Meeting - Annual Return and Audit documents Approved by PC. Internal Audit is presently in progress, and should be ready for the next Meeting.

10.1a - Grant for Bothenhampton Village Hall - It was Proposed by Bob, and seconded by Ian to recommend a Grant of 50% of the cost to address the rising damp in the Village Hall. The Clerk requested that further estimate details be presented to the PC before specific funding could be allocated.

Action at May Meeting - Clerk's request was positively considered, & Pennie is to investigate how payment of funds re VAT can be administered by Village Hall Committee.

10.2 - DCC Highways have not yet cleared outlet to Wanderwell Stream - Colin Sparkes -

Action at April Meeting - to contact Connect on 01404 823381 -

Action at May Meeting - Clerk now needs to contact WDDC -

10.3 - to choose sites for 4 DCC Grant benches -

Action at May Meeting - Two sites have been agreed - by the Holy Trinity wall in Bothenhampton, and at the top of Valley View Amenity site. Placement outside Jellyfields & Wanderwell LNA's need further investigation.

10.4 - Proposed WW1 & WW2 Memorial, Walditch -

Action at March Meeting - PC approved to pay a Grant of £600 for the Memorial construction and installation - to be paid within Section 137 of the Local Government Act to St Mary's Walditch(for administration of the Grant).

Action at April Meeting - PC agreed to Action Grant of £600 for payment at May Meeting.

Action at May Meeting - Payment made at Meeting - see Finance Agenda -

10.5 - Estimates for Cedar Tree at Valley View Amenity site Safety Report -

Action at March Meeting - PC agreed for Safety Report to be carried out by DCC at estimated cost of £150 - Clerk to contact DCC with request -

Action at April Meeting - Requested to DCC, that an Inspection of Cedar Tree is Actioned -

Action at May Meeting - no progress to report -

10.6 - Lengthsman's duties for May 2015 -

Bothenhampton -

* Construct steps to provide easier access from Footpath 5/14 to Bowhayes -

Nb - Need to contact DCC with request - To place benches on agreed sites -
Cut high overhanging hedge in Quarry Lane, and tidy Crock in Crock Lane.

Walditch - Broken Finger Post sign to Play Area needs attention.

10.7 - Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan -

Action at April Meeting - Notes to be attached to Minutes + Green Spaces Document distributed to PC at Meeting - to be placed on May Agenda -

Action at May Meeting - Potential of Green Spaces in Bothenhampton were discussed, and PC agreed that more detailed consideration is needed. Clerk to provide each member with a map of the local area for next Meeting. Bob Dennis declared an interest in one area of Green Space.

10.8 - Review of cover arrangements for Clerk -

Action at April Meeting - to set date for Audit Check/Annual Return - Tuesday 5 May at 10.00 with Bob Dennis & Clerk at 6 Sunnyside - Ian Bark to meet with Clerk on Monday 11 May at 10.00 -

10.9 - Election planning - Thursday 7 May 2015 -

Action at March Meeting -Members informed of need to be Nominated by 9th April - Clerk to send out Forms and guidelines following this Meeting -

Action at April Meeting - Electoral Services received Nomination Papers from Ed Hanson, Ian Bark, Geoff Matthews, Bob Dennis, Colin Sparkes, Alan Stenning, & Pennie Jones. Due to a technicality, Ed Hanson's Form was found to be invalid. As there is the facility to Co-opt a further 2 Councillors for Walditch, it is recommended that Ed is Co-opted at the May Meeting. There will also be a 1 vacancy for a Bothenhampton Councillor -

Action at May Meeting - Ed Hanson was co-opted, and members were handed Declaration & Registration of Interest Forms for completion. There remains 2 vacancies for Walditch Councillors, and 1 for Bothenhampton.

10.10 - Play Area Inspection Reports -

Action at February Meeting - Clerk to forward copies of Sovereign estimates to Geoff & Pennie, with a view that a decision will be made at the March Meeting .

Action at March Meeting - While the PC agreed in principle to pursue the Project, there were some queries regarding timing and site management details. Clerk to consult with Sovereign before the April Meeting -

Action at April Meeting - Clerk requested to write outline email to Sovereign specifying the detail of the PC approval of estimate - to present to May Meeting -

Action at May Meeting - further consideration of estimate detail for outline e mail -

10.11 - Request for Memorial Bench on Bothen Hill -

Action at April Meeting - Clerk has advised Emma Grant to contact owners of the land where the Memorial Bench is requested to be placed.

Action at May Meeting - awaiting advice re progress -

10.12 - Parking in Crock Lane -

Action at March Meeting - Clerk has arranged for Site Meeting at junction of Crock Lane with Bowhayes - Wednesday 11 March at 0945 - Ian has agreed to attend.

Action at April Meeting -parking bays observed in Crock Lane - request that DCC rep has another look -

Action at May Meeting - Clerk has been advised to contact MAGNA as regards Parking Bay in Crock Lane - DCC have not reported on white line markings -

10.13 - Law changes re - Agendas,Minutes, and Websites -

Action at March Meeting - Clerk described need for all Agendas & Minutes to be placed on a website - procedures are already in place as PC uses

Action at April Meeting - To consider B&WPC website - PC agreed that research on sites should be carried out -

Action at May Meeting - PC advised Clerk to contact Bradpole PC, as they have web site in use -

10.14 - Response to letter from Mrs Butler - Geoff Matthews -

Action at April Meeting - Geoff outlined a draft response - Clerk to prepare Final Draft for June Meeting -

10.15 - Notes from Colin re Cemetery Play Area - Colin Sparkes -

Action at April Meeting - It was pointed out by PC members that the Cemetery Play Area is on a conditional lease and permanent Play Equipment could not be secured on the site. There was a suggestion that the goal posts could be repainted - Clerk to action estimate -

10.16 - Vearse Farm Development Plans - Comments from PC -

Action at May Meeting - Response to Development discussed at Meeting, and Ian Bark agreed to present written response to Agent -

10.17 - Jacolines Crock - PC agreed quotation cost of £79.95 for a composite sign, and advised Clerk to order -

Proposals for Parish Matters Agenda -June 2015 Meeting.

Walditch Village Magna Carta Celebration - Sunday 21st June 2015

11. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.

11.1 - Nb - no Correspondence presented The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at WALDITCH VILLAGE HALL, on MONDAY 8 June 2015, commencing at 7 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.


Monday 11 May 2015 - There were no Matters Arising, as 3 items had been previously considered at the Annual Parish Meeting Open Forum -