Bothenhampton Village


Present: Alan Stenning(Vice Chair & Chair for Meeting), Ian Bark, Pennie Jones, Geoff Matthews, & Elizabeth Welch.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


23.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution of B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.


24.1- There were apologies from - Bob Dennis, Colin Sparkes & Ed Hanson.


The Minutes of the previous Meetings of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 13 June 2016, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


26.1- May 2016 - 1 to 11, June - 12 to 22, July - 23 to 33, August - no Meeting, September - 34 to 44, October - 45 to 55, November - 56 to 66, December - no Meeting, January 2017 - 67 to 77, February 2017 -78 to 88, March 2017 - 89 to 99, & April 2017 - 100 to 110. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

26.2 - Co-option of Andrew Taylor - Requested to attend September Meeting at Walditch.

26.3 - Revised Plan for narrow part of Main Street - distributed to all members present -


At 7.07 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.09 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's Agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There was 1 member of the public present at the Meeting.


Dave Rickard - Had meeting with Tree Officer, who explained that replaced TPO trees do not have to be replaced with trees of similar maturity. Tree Officer is apparently making slow progress with the landowner. Planning Consent for 2 Elwell has Dave's Approval - Expressed concern regarding clearing of pathways & kerbs - DCC not spraying - BTC taken on spraying, but would need contract to carry out B&WPC work - Suggested Neighbourhood Watch to tackle weed control - Pennie Jones indicated that Residents Association may take on task -


Ron asked Clerk to comment later re footpath in Blood Lane( off Crock Lane ) -

30.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 11 July 2016.

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

WD/D/16/ 001199 - Three Corners, 2 Elwell -
Erect dwelling & single garage -
Nb. - Has outline permission - WD/D/14/002137 - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

WD/D/16/001089 - Agriculture building, Walditch - East of Hyde Plantation -
- Corporate View of PC was to Approve Planning Consent -

WD/D/16/001272 - 11 Bowhayes - Various alterations as listed - Corporate View of PC was to Approve Planning Consent -

WD/D/16/001218 - Cherrywood Farm Cottages, Walditch - Two storey & single storey extension - Corporate View of PC was to Approve Planning Consent -

WD/CA/16/00200 - 9 Main Street, Bothenhampton - cut back 3 Copper Beeches - to Meeting - no comments made -

WD/D/16/001221 -15 Howard Close - demolish existing rear conservatory - build single storey rear extension on North elevation - Corporate View of PC was to Approve Planning Consent -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1. FINANCE AGENDA - B&WPC MEETING - Monday 11 July 2016.

Receipts - Nil -

i) Statement of Current Account as at 30 June 2016 - £20,007.43

ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed :-

Cheques £

1495 - Underpayment of Clerk's Salary - 178.56

1496 - HMRC - April to June Income Tax - Post Office Ltd - 347.88

1497 - Clerk's June 2016 Salary - 404.33

1498 - Office Accommodation from April to June 2016 - 97.50

1499 - Play safety Limited - Inspection of Play Areas - 172.20

1500 - Walditch Village Hall - 15.00

1501 - Clerk's June Expenses - 22.50

1502 - Bradpole Pre School Grant - 50.00

1503 - Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton, Grant - 200.00

1504 - Dvaid Landscapes, Grass Cutting - 567.20

Total £2055.17

Balance £17952.26

Invoices Initialled,& Cheques as listed were proposed for payment by Geoff Matthews, seconded by Pennie Jones, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

32. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 11 July 2016.

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

32.1 - Consideration of Emergency Access at narrow part of Main Street -

Action at June Meeting - The following Report re the Meeting on 31/5/16 had been submitted by Pennie Jones, & read to members present :-

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting dated 31/5/16 -
40 residents were present
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.05 pm and welcomed the 40 residents present.
Ron Coatsworth explained the reasons for the meeting and that there were representatives from Dorset and Wiltshire fire Authority Jason Rogers and Nick Sumbers, and Jonathan May and Richard Colby from Dorset County County.
The revised plan was discussed at length, many residents put forward alternative ideas and it was left that a plan would be drawn up to accommodate the minimum requirement needed. 48 Residents also put forward a petition, from those living beyond the pinch point outside the Village Hall, agreeing to a plan safeguarding a clear road for Emergency vehicles to get through.

The meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.10 pm.

Pennie Jones - Parish Councillor & Clerk for the Meeting.

Action at July Meeting - Revised Proposed Design was fully discussed by all members present and Approved as seen, & Clerk requested to inform DCC of decision. Agreed by PC, for Plans to be promulgated in locality.

Bring forward 32.10 - Inclusions for Standing Orders & Financial Regulations -

Action at July Meeting - Ian Bark presented detailed Addendums as listed for Financial Regulations & Standing Orders. These were agreed as seen & attached to the said documents for inspection. Both Financial Regulations & Standing Orders will be presented for Annual Approval to the next Meeting on September 12th at Walditch.

32.2 - Lengthsman's duties for June 2016 -

Bothenhampton -

* Construct steps to provide easier access from Footpath 5/14 to Bowhayes -
Nb -contacted DCC, Bowhayes is private road - requested DCC does estimate of cost - nb - not received to date -

Monthly Inspection of John Holt Play Area -
- Including Picnic Tables, gate mechanism, & Safety Surfaces -

Remaining Bench to be considered for suitable site by PC - agreed location -
Crock to be cleared of vegetation in Crock Lane -
Overgrown area in Valley View Amenity Area, Quarry Lane, & Hollow Way -

Walditch - Spinners Lane - Chimney Report - WDDC Building Control -

*Site inspection of Spinners Lane - drain outlet to be cleared -

Site inspection of John Gundry Play Area, & bin emptying if necessary -

Bark refurbishment of Safety Area -

32.3 -Clerk's Salary Review - see Confidential Memo -

Action at July Meeting -

32.4 - Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan -

of Bridport Area Neighbourhood Plan -

Action at June Meeting - Open Spaces notes from Richard Nicholls to Ian for consideration -

Action at July Meeting - Ian to produce a Report of progress -

32.5 - Review of cover arrangements for Clerk -

Action at June Meeting - Meeting arranged for Tuesday 5 July 2016 at 09.00 -

Action at July Meeting - Meeting arranged for Tuesday 6 September at 09.00

32.6 - Play Areas Inspection Reports -

Action at June Meeting - Pennie had given Apologies - request Report for July Meeting -

Action at July Meeting - Inspection Reports for May 2016 now with Pennie Jones -
David Landscapes estimate for refurbishment presented to PC. Clerk advised to negotiate detail in forthcoming weeks -

32.7 - DCC Grant - progress of proposals -

Action at May Meeting - Notices in progress - Need to request a volunteer for LNR Management Committee - see e mail request - Ian Bark agreed to serve on the Management Group for Bothenhampton LNR.

Action at June Meeting - Clerk to check on progress for July Meeting -

Action at July Meeting - Clerk reported good progress of display panels - should be ready by August -

32.8 - Provision of dog waste bins in Parish -

Action at May Meeting - PC suggested that WDDC Waste Bins were requested to be positioned in Blood Lane(off Crock Lane), and at the entrance to Jellyfields LNR.

Action at June Meeting - Clerk requested to pursue additional waste bins, to be sited as agreed by PC -

Action at July Meeting - further site at top of footpath leading down to Walditch Road agreed by PC -

32.9 - Grant Requested by Bothenhampton Village Hall Committee

Action at July Meeting - detailed costing of improvements to Hall presented to PC - Grant of £500 approved -

32.10 - Consideration of detailed Inclusions for Standing Orders & Financial Regulations -

Action at July Meeting - see previous notes in Parish Matters -

32.11 - Excel - cashbook 1617 v1 B&WPC - Statement for July 2016 outlined to Parish Councillors present - Copy to July 2016 Minutes -

Proposals for Parish Matters Agenda - for September 2016 Meeting

Overhang of trees in Crock Lane, adjacent to the back of Elwell

33. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
33.1 - BLAP - Newsletter - circulation confirmed -
33.2 - Open Spaces & CPRE Journals - for Pennie Jones at July Meeting -
33.3 - DAPTC - Highways changes - details of Meeting dates to PC -

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at WALDITCH VILLAGE HALL, on MONDAY 12 September 2016, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.


Monday 12 September 2016 -