Bothenhampton Village


Present: Alan Stenning(Vice Chair), Colin Sparkes, & Elizabeth Welch.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


25.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution of B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of a friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.


26.1 There were apologies from Bob Dennis, Ed Hanson, Pennie Jones, David Stubbs,


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 10 June 2013, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


4.1- May 2013 - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60, November - 61 to 72, December - no Meeting, January 2014 - 73 to 84, February 2014 -85 to 96, March 2014 - 97 to 108, & April 2014 - 109 to 120. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.


At 7.03 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.08 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There were 0 members of the public present at the Meeting -


David Tett has two matters to report :-

1. Firstly, the District Council is to scrap its Standards Committee and a new method will be set up to deal with Members Complaints.
I have asked that all Town and parish Councils be kept abreast of, and consulted upon, the new arrangements to take place of the present system.
The reasons for the change is because less and less complaints have been made against Councillors, the limited availability of sanctions now available to Members of the Standards Committee and the relevance of pecuniary complaints being transferred to Dorset Police.
The present system, therefore, has become time consuming, inefficient and too bureaucratic.

2. Secondly the Partnership with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council is to cut seven further posts in senior management. This hopefully will achieve a further £1 million savings in costs.
However, I have expressed to the Chief Executive my concerns in retaining sufficient numbers of staff to perform the many services undertaken by the District Council.


Mark Roberts - Mentioned that the Scrutiny Committee was now looking into the Planning Process, and any comments can be taken forward.


Apologies from Ron Coatsworth -

33.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 8 July 2013

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

1/D/13/000712 - 9 Marsh Gate - Action - Corporate View of the Parish council is to recommend Approval of Planning Consent -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc
1/D/13/000520 - 31 pasture Way - Approval -
1/D/12/001208 - 3 Hyde Cottages - Letter of Approval -

34.FINANCE AGENDA - B&WPC MEETING - Monday 8 July 2013

Receipts -

i) Statement of Current Account as at 30 June 2013 - £16792.69

ii) Accounts for Payment
Less outstanding cheques as listed :
Cheque £
1299 Holy Trinity Church, Bothenhampton - 1100.00
1300 Dorset Association of Parish & Town Councils - 666.81
1301 Index Direct - Grit Bins - 283.20
1302 Open Spaces Society - Annual Subscription - 45.00
1303 David Landscapes - 576.10
1304 C T Dobbs - June 2013 Salary - 379.08
1305 HMRC - April/May/ June 2013 - 284.31
1306 - C T Dobbs - Office Accommodation - April to June 2013 - 97.50

Total £3432.00

Balance £13360.69

Proposed for payment by Elizabeth Welch, seconded by Colin Sparkes, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

35. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 10 June 2013 .

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

35.1 - Playground Equipment for the John Holt Play Area is in need of review, to include bench facilities - Site meeting arranged for Thursday 25 April at 10.00 - Pennie/Chris to attend - Action needed to arrange Annual Inspection of Play Areas - to carry out Risk Assessment - Action at Meeting - Pennie agreed to carry out Risk Assessment, and Members agreed for Annual Inspection of Play Areas to be carried out by approved contractor - Action at 10/6/13 Meeting - Risk Assessment to be recommended for Review by July 2013 Meeting - Action - Copy of Risk Assessment Policy to Pennie - Action for Meeting - Approval of Risk Assessment policy for 2013, & recommendations for maintenance of John Holt Play Area -

35.2 - Walditch Green Garden -Action - Meeting agreed a need for maintenance or refurbishment in Autumn - PC to have site Meeting on Monday 9 September 2013, to assess how the task should be tackled -

35.3 - Funding for recreation in Bothenhampton - As there were no Bothenhampton Parish Councillors present, the matter was postponed to the next meeting - Action at Meeting - PC suggested that a Stall could be manned at Bothenhampton Village Fete to advertise the WDDC Funding and how it should be allocated - Action - Dave Capewell re PC ? - items for Display Board - Action - Clerk to prepare Display Boards for use on Saturday 20 July 2013 -

35.4 - Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor in Bothenhampton - Action -PC were informed of the Casual Vacancy - Action at Meeting - also to advertise on PC Village Fete Stall - Saturday 20 July 2013 -

35.5 - Lengthsman's duties for July 2013 -

Bothenhampton - to include - clearing ivy on John Holt Play Area wall -
Walditch - clear bench area in Lower Walditch road - photograph of Kevin -

35.6 - Aftermath of July 2012 Flooding - Action - Agreed that consideration to be given to the pipe outlet to Wanderwell Stream, which runs alongside Groves Nursery. To consult with BTC and Highways Connect- 35.7 - Back up for Clerk - Action - Pennie Jones agreed to shadow Clerk's weekly workload - Update from Clerk -Action - Need to make proper review of how this can practically be achieved - suggest Diary of Work Practice -

35.8 - Erosion of Bank in Hollow Way - Action - Clerk reported that he had conversation with DCC Highway Maintenance Manager, Martin Hill - Action - understand from DCC that another company now has contract and will be reporting in due course -

35.9 - Part Night Lighting - DCC County Lighting Engineer, Rod Mainstone, has informed the PC that work to change to part night lighting will commence in the area from late July - Action - The Clerk has had verbal assurance that the lighting in Main Street is not included for health & safety reasons - Clerk has been asked to let Rod know if contractors make errors -

35.10 - Annual Review of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations - Action at 10/6/13 Meeting - to appoint lead Parish Councillor for Reviews to take place by September 2013 - Action -to ask David Stubbs to carry out the task, as he is presently unable to attend Meetings - Action at meeting - David has scrutinized and signed both documents as properly reviewed - the PC have Approved the Annual Reviews of Standing Orders & Financial Regulations for 2013 -

35.11 - Hollow Way Bank - dangerous overhang - Action - Clerk has spoke to Martin Hill, and understands that the matter is being investigated - Clerk to update - Action - to be initially actioned by Lengthsman, and DCC Highways have been requested to consider further maintenance.

35.12 - Large hole on Valley View slope - reported by Nick David, who has the PC contract for grass cutting - Action - PC approved the hole to be filled and the area to be reseeded by the Autumn at a cost of about £100 -

35.13 - Ownership of Churchhayes - Action - to be considered at the September 2013 Meeting - it is understood that the road is Church owned -

35.14 - Neighbourhood Plan - Colin - Action - Colin Sparkes is continuing to be involved with joint Parish & Town discussions being led by BLAP -

35.15 - Pedestrian Access to Cemetery Play Area - Action - Matter to be fully considered at September Meeting -

35.16 - Application for Grant from Bothenhampton Village Hall Committee - Action - as there was only 1 Bothenhampton Parish Councillor present at the Meeting, it was proposed to consider the matter at the September Meeting -

Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the September 2013 Meeting
Walditch Village Green Garden -
Footpaths Officer for Bothenhampton & Walditch -

36. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
36.1 - Clerks and Councils Direct - Action - to Elizabeth -
36 .2 - Disclosures & Barring Services - Action - to Elizabeth -
36.3 - Open Spaces AGM information - No Action - to remain with Clerk -

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at WALDITCH VILLAGE HALL, on MONDAY 9 September 2013, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.


Monday 8 July 2013 -

Alan Stenning reported large potholes near The Hyde - Action - Clerk to contact Highways -

Alan also commented on the over 6ft hedge at 3 The Green, that is obstructing the Highway - Action - Mark Roberts to investigate -