Bothenhampton Village


Present: Bob Dennis(Chair), Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes, & Elizabeth Welch.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


73.1 - To remind Parish Councillors that if a matter arises at a Meeting which relates to an interest in Appendix A of the Code of Conduct adopted by resolution of B&WPC on Monday 9th July 2012, then the member shall not participate in a discussion or vote on the matter. Where a matter arises at the meeting which relates to Appendix B of the Code of Conduct, then the member shall withdraw from the Meeting. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a financial interest of friend, relative or close associate, the member concerned shall disclose the nature of the interest and withdraw from the meeting.


74.1 There were apologies from - Alan Stenning, Ed Hanson, & David Stubbs( David


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday11 November 2013, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


76.1- May 2013 - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60, November - 61 to 72, December - no Meeting, January 2014 - 73 to 84, February 2014 -85 to 96, March 2014 - 97 to 108, & April 2014 - 109 to 120. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

76.2 - Schedule of Meetings for 2014 - copies to PC -

76.3 - Resignation of Karl Wallace - letter of thanks -

76.4 - Planning - Colin to submit Report on Flooding at Parish Matters -


At 19.08 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 19.15 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.

n.b. - There were 0 members of the public present at the Meeting - ( a member of the public had contacted the Clerk prior to the Meeting with a concern ).


David Tett had very little to report :-

1. The Chief Executive is to retire in April and the wheels are in motion to appoint a successor to David Clarke. It is hoped that an appointment will be made at the February Meeting of the Council.

2. The Budget for 2014/2015 will be set at the February Meeting of the Council. There will be a further significant cut in the Central Government Grant.

3. At the January Meeting of the Council it debated a Petition handed in by the West Bay Community Forum that the right of priority is returned to the right hand turn at the junction of West Bay Road and Station Road, reverting back to the position from time immemorial. On my proposal to this effect, the Council agreed to ask the Dorset County Council to reconsider this.


Mark Roberts - mentioned hold up on Local Development Plan -

Boundary Changes - WDDC have approved a recommended 42 membership( down from 48 ), to The Boundary Commission. This will give just 1 member for the proposed new Bothenhampton & Walditch Ward in 2015.


Boundary Commission to look at County Councils after District Councils are complete.

A Cabinet decision on white lines for main roads is imminent -

The proposed new Waste /Recycling Centre was mentioned, and instigated some considerable discussion from the floor.

81.* PLANNING AGENDA for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 13 January 2014 .

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC -

CA/13/00346 - Oak Tree at Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton - No Comments -

1/D/13/001596 - 89 Crock Lane - Approval sent 23/12/13 -

1/D/13/001621 - Blackthorn Farm, Shipton Gorge - Adjoining Parish - to Meeting 13/1/14 - Approval to be sent -

1/D/13/001726 - Walnut Cottage, Old Vicarage Road, Bothenhampton - Lantern roof window - to Meeting 13/1/14 - Approval to be sent -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc

1/D/13 001023 - Bay Trees Hill, Walditch - Approval -

1/D/13/001444 - Eastwood, Burton Road - Approval -

1/D/13/001424 - The Oaks, Walditch - Approval -

1/D/13/001522 - 11 Lansdowne Road - Approval -

1/D/13/001132 - The Barn, 2 Walditch Road - Approval -

82. FINANCE AGENDA - B&WPC MEETING - Monday 13 January 2014.

Receipts -

i) Statement of Current Account as at 31 December 2013 - £15873.84

* (including cheque 1331)

ii) Accounts for Payment

Cheque £

" 1331 - 3x Picnic Tables for John Holt Play Area 1185.00 - * Paid 17/12/13 + Gate Repair -

Less outstanding cheques as listed :-

1332 - Bothenhampton Village Hall - 12.00

1333 - HMRC - October, November, December 2013 - 284.31

1334 - C T Dobbs - Office Accommodation - Oct. to Dec. 2013 - 97.50

1335 - C T Dobbs - Clerk's November & December Salary - 758.16

1336 - David Landscapes - grass cutting - 270.05

Total £1422.02

Balance £14451.82

Proposed for payment by Elizabeth Welch, seconded by Colin Sparkes, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.

83. * PARISH MATTERS - for B&WPC Meeting - Monday 13 January 2014.

- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

83.1 - Presentation of Budget/Precept 2014 - 2015 -

Action arranged at October Meeting - Pennie Jones & Bob Dennis agreed to meet the Clerk prior to the Meeting on Monday 11 November, in order to consider in detail the Budget/Precept for 2014 - 2015 - date and time to be advised -

Action for November Meeting - for the Parish Council to consider and Approve the proposed Budget/Precept for 2014 - 2015 - Budget Notes and % spend of 2013/2014 Accounts were distributed to all Parish Councillors present. Pennie Jones and Bob Dennis had met with the Clerk on Friday 25 October, and recommended the proposed Budget for 2014/2015 to the PC. The outline Budget was approved by Elizabeth Welch, seconded by Colin Sparkes, and supported by all members. It was noted that HM Government had yet to approve final Grant details to WDDC, and that BTC had notified the Clerk of Lengthsman future cost increases, and it is anticipated that contingency monies will be adequate for any specific increases.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Confirmed Parish Precept Request for B&WPC consisting of - A - Precept ( Amount to be charged to council tax payers) - £21578

B - Local Council Tax Support Grant - £1082

C - Total funding to be received from WDDC (A plus B) £22660 83.2 - Funding for recreation in Bothenhampton -

Action for November Meeting - Estimate for improvement to John Holt Play Area by purchasing 3x Picnic Tables at a cost of £364 each including VAT, also £93 for adjusting and re-hanging gate. Total 1092 +93 = £1185. It should be noted that it was decide not to go ahead with the decking patio as it presented too many Health & Safety issues. S 106 Application Form needs to be completed for funding of the project.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Clerk to complete Section 106 Application Form -

83.3 - Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor in Bothenhampton - Action -

Action for November Meeting - Ian Bark, a resident from Crock Lane who attended the Meeting, indicated that he would be interested in being a Parish Councillor. It was considered that the matter be raised at the January Meeting.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Ian Bark was duly Co-opted to be a Parish Councillor, being proposed by Bob Dennis and seconded by Elizabeth Welch. The Clerk obtained address and details, and will send the necessary Register of Interests to Ian before the next Meeting.

83.4 - Lengthsman's duties for January 2014 -

Bothenhampton - Cutting down Alder by lower fence in John Holt Play Area -

Sweep back gravel from road at John Holt Play Area entrance - Removing Algae from bench seat in Cooper's Drive + footpaths as previously mentioned.

Walditch - Clear three grips in Walditch Lane, that lead into Jellyfields LNR -

83.5 - Aftermath of July 2012 Flooding - Action - Agreed that consideration to be given to the pipe outlet to Wanderwell Stream, which runs alongside Groves Nursery. To consult with BTC and Highways Connect- Action at November Meeting - Copies of e mails from BTC were presented to the Meeting, which have requested that an investigation of the Wanderwell Outlet Gully is made.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Clerk reported that BTC have made representation to have outlet gully inspected and possibly cleared -

83.6 - Back up for Clerk & Salary Review -

Action at November Meeting - Clerk to contact DAPTC before the January Meeting.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Clerk has been made aware that an increase in hourly rates was approved from 1st April 2013, and DAPTC indicated that other Dorset Clerk's had responded with various start dates. Intend to present possible figures for the February Meeting.

83.7 - Erosion of Bank in Hollow Way - Action - Clerk reported that he had conversation with DCC Highway Maintenance Manager, Martin Hill - Action - understand from DCC that another company now has contract and will be reporting in due course -

Action at November Meeting - Clerk needs to contact DCC, to establish what remedial work has been carried out in the landslip area of Hollow Way.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Reported that geotechnical engineers had completed survey of landslip area and considered that chance of immediate serious failure is low. Have recommended that to ensure long term stability, work should be carried out on the Hollow Way Bank - estimated cost £250,000 - DCC considering funding implications -

83.8 - Hollow Way Bank - dangerous overhang - Action - Clerk has spoke to Martin Hill, and understands that the matter is being investigated - Clerk to update - Action - to be initially actioned by Lengthsman, and DCC Highways have been requested to consider further maintenance.

Action for November Meeting - Clerk needs to contact DCC re response to concern about dangerous overhang in Hollow way.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - DCC have agreed to investigate possible work plans to clear overhang.

83.9 - Pedestrian Access to Cemetery Play Area - Action - Matter to be fully considered at September Meeting -

Action at November Meeting - To include approval of unlocking main gate, to consider improvement of entrances, and condition of boundary hedges -

Action at January 2014 Meeting - No Action - Poor weather conditions have delayed any surveys being made.

83.9 - Neighbourhood Local Plan - Colin to lead - Considered that the complexity of the Neighbourhood Local Planning process would be rather too challenging for B&WPC at the present time.

83.10 - Report on flooding December2013/January 2014 - The following Report by Colin Sparkes has been sent to the Environment Agency :-

Heavy rain over the period 15th December to 7th January did not appear to cause flooding of properties in either village
The roads were passable to traffic although the lower end of the lane from Bonscombe was some 12 inches deep at the height of the storms.
Wanderwell Stream, although high, did not flood No 16 Lansdowne Road as in July 2012. The Highway Agency cleared the weed screen at the upstream end of the East Road roundabout culvert three times during the period.
The lower end(nearest to the River Brit), of Groves Nursery Land was waterlogged but did not flood from the river. Due to the poor state of the Wanderwell Stream outlet, water was unable to drain from the car park area.

The total rainfall for the 26 days was 302mm. The toal for 2013 was 953mm, only 30mm above the Dorset average over 50 years. The maximum for one day recorded during the period was on the 16th December of 40mm.

The original copy will be attached to the January 2013 Minutes.

83.11 - The Clerk reported to the Meeting that due to the recent storms there was fencing work needed at Valley View Amenity Area, and Cemetery Field Play Area. As the damage was causing a Health & Safety hazard, John Bright Fencing were requested to carry out the work. A large branch had also been blown down from the Cedar Tree in Valley View.

Action at January 2014 Meeting - Approved retrospective essential fencing and tree work as described in 83.11 -

Proposals for the Parish Matters agenda of the February 2014 Meeting.

There were no proposals from the floor -

PC was informed that some further fencing work is necessary in John Holt Play Area, and Clerk will be seeking estimates for the work - to be presented to the Parish Meeting in February 2014

84. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
84.1 - Letter re St Mary's Churchyard, Walditch -
84.2 - Open Spaces Journal - to Elizabeth -
84.3 - Dorset Fire & Rescue Service - to Bob
84.4 - BLAP -
84.5 - Mineral Sites Plan - to Elizabeth -
84.6 - Western Power -
84.7 - AON Insurance -
84.8 - Accounts and Audit Services Ltd - Henry Lovegrove to retire June 2014 -

The next Meeting of the Parish Council will be held at BOTHENHAMPTON VILLAGE HALL, on MONDAY 10 February 2014, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 20.20 p.m.


Monday 13 January 2014 -

Angela Addis - although not able to attend the Meeting had expressed a concern about the high hedge opposite her property in Walditch Road, which is observed to obscure vision on the Highway. The Clerk agreed to contact the Land Registry re covenants, and to provide information to Angela Addis regarding Hedges, trees and the highway.