Present: Bob Dennis(Chair), Sarah Butcher, Debbie Jack, Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes, Alan Stenning, David Stubbs, & Elizabeth Welch.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


49.1 - To remind Parish Councillors of the need to make a Declaration of Interest on any Agenda items where personal or prejudicial interest may arise. E.g. A Grant request for a Village Hall Project, or a Planning Application adjacent to a Parish Councillor's home.


50.1 There were apologies from - Karl Wallace.


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 8 August 2011, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


40.3 Numbering of Minutes from May 2011. Minutes to be numbered sequentially i.e. May - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - 37 to 48, September - 49 to 60, October - 61 to 72 , November - 73 to 84, December - no Meeting, January 2012 - 85 to 96, February 2012 -97 to 108, March 2012 - 109 to 120, & April 2012 - 121 to 132. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.


At 7.03 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.30 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.
n.b. - There were 8 members of the public present at the Meeting -


David Tett gave the following Report :-

Regarding the present Localism Bill and its implications for the planning system in particular -

Firstly, the Bill has had its second reading; it will have Royal Assent probably in the autumn and be activated in or about April 2012.

District local plans, together with Neighborhood Plans, will form the statutory development plan against which applications will be assessed.

There will be no regional or structure plan, but there will be a National Policy Framework setting out national policy which the local plan needs to follow.

Targets for development (e.g. of housing), will be set out by the District Councils in their local plans. These must be based on sound need/market demand; moreover, they will need to be justified at public examination.

The Neighborhood Plans are to be prepared by local communities, i.e. town and parish councils and other groups. However, these must follow the strategic policies of the District Plan and national and international legislation e.g. environmental assessments, sustainability etc.

The District Council will have a duty to assist neighborhoods in preparing their plans and advise on consultation methods; moreover, the District Council will be responsible for administering any referendum of any proposals put forward for inclusion in the Plan.

The planning system is seen as less bureaucratic with local communities more in control.


Mark Roberts - commented on Localism Bill - Capital Projects to have 4 year cycle of corporate expenditure over 4 years - e.g. Lyme Leisure Centre

Mentioned National Policy Framework and the need for local plans to be robust -


Ron Coatsworth - Day Centres - £1M in reduction costs needed - suggestions - give over Day Centres to company such as MAGNA - needs consultation in Bridport -

Re-ablement - to give 6 weeks free help to help patients adjust after an operation - possible idea to reduce long term care costs -

Waste & Recycling Centre - Broomhills Site is presently considered as possible area with traffic lights controlled access -


a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC :-

1/D/11/001195 - Land adjacent Walditch Road - Donkey stable, feed store, & ancillary yard - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Objection to Planning Consent for reasons as listed on Comments Doc -

1/D/11/001323 - 3 Wych Hill - Alterations & Dormer window - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

1/D/11/001313 - 2 Valley View - Single storey rear extn. - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

1/D/11/001362 - 62 Crock Lane - demolish Conservatory & erect Orangery - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

1/D/11/001297 - 27 Bowhayes - single storey extns. & alterations - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval Of Planning Consent.

1/D/11/001391 & 1/D/11/001392 -Hyde Farmhouse, Walditch - Application + Listed Buildings Consent for Solar Panels & Voltaic Cells - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Approval of Planning Consent.

1/D/11/001412 - Land adjacent East Road - Pair of semi - detached cottages & parking area - Action - Corporate View of PC was to recommend Objection to Planning Consent for reasons as listed in Comments Doc -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1/D/11/000797 - 17 Mount Joy - Open fronted structure to support a solar installation - Approval -

1/D/11/000902 - 76 Crock Lane - Summer House, mobile chicken coup, redesign concrete steps & fencing - Approval -


Receipts - Nil

i) Statement of Current Account as at 31 August 2011 - £9,145.09

ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed :

Cheque £

1179 Open Spaces Society - Annual Sub 40.00

1180 BDO LLP - Annual Return - Net - £285, VAT -£57 - Gross 342.00

1181 David Landscapes 846.15

1182 WDDC Pest Control - Net - £40 - VAT - £8 - Gross 48.00

1183 Clerk's August Salary 379.08

1184 Bothenhampton Village Hall 12.00

Total £1667.23 Balance £7477.86 (BDO LLP - VAT Reg. No. 830 8470 32 - £57.00 )

( WDDC - VAT Reg. No. 187 2015 65 £8.00 )

Proposed for payment by Pennie Jones, seconded by Elizabeth Welch, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -

59.1 - Annual Return to be presented to the Parish Council, as there were no matters which came to the Attention of the Auditor BDO LLP - Action - Annual Return for the Audit for the year ended 31 March 2011 has been Approved and Accepted by Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council

59.2 - Karl Wallace & Geoff Matthews outlined progress at APM on Monday 9th May - Chair instructed Clerk to take off Agenda at July Meeting & give to Karl to take forward - Action - Clerk to inform Karl of need to take forward to obtain a public view - Action - Public Meetings provisionally booked at Walditch Village Hall on Monday 17th October 2011 at 7 p.m. , and Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 24th October at 7 p.m. - nb - concern about the safety of the Lime Kiln at Bothenhampton Nature Reserve was expressed -

59.3 - Requests for additional Grit Bins - update from Clerk who is to attend DCC Winter Maintenance Briefing on Tuesday 4th October 2011 - Action - PC has approved purchase of Grit Bins & Clerk to seek approval of DCC positioning and filling -

59.4 - Higher cuts to Verges in Lower Walditch Road, & Hollow Way, Bothenhampton - Action - to request that County Councillor Ron Coatsworth pursues concerns - No Action -

59.5 - Lengthsman's duties for September - Action - Kevin completed various duties on Tuesday 6 September, as he is now on planned sick leave for the next few weeks -

59.6 - Walditch Sycamore Avenue - Action - Debbie Jack to report on recent site meeting with Graham Cox - Action - Graham Cox has sent an e mail describing progress of his report to WDDC legal team -

59.7 - Progress of High Pavement - Clerk's Update post 5 September Meeting - Action - PC has approved a request from Dorset Highway Operations to use the top of John Holt Play Area as a small compound between 21 November 2011 & 1 April 2012 - Requirements to ensure safety of children using the Play Area have been stipulated in written comment, and copies of this agreement are held by the Clerk & Chair of the PC.

59.8 - Review of de restricted 30 m.p.h. limit through Walditch Village - Action - Alan Stenning has requested a sharing of concerns with DCC Road Safety Unit - 01305 225196 -

59.9 - Allocation of Areas of Responsibility for 2011/12 - Action - for October Meeting -

59.10 - Valley View Amenity Area, Howard Road - Action - PC approved Forest & Tree Care estimate of £400 to remove deadwood from the large Oak Tree and to clean crown, & to remove lower branches from the Cedar Tree, to include removing all debris from site.

59.11 - 44 Bus Service - Action - PC noted change of company - Damory - larger buses are having to negotiate Crock lane -

59.12 - BLAP - No Action -

59.13 - Request for sign' To the Orchards' - No Action -

59.14 - Queen's Diamond Jubilee - Action - Pennie Jones requested consideration that PC could make a presentation to all children under 13 in Bothenhampton & Walditch to commemorate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012 - further discussions needed at October/November Meetings -

59.15 - Detailed Agenda Papers - Update from Clerk - Parish Councillors present agreed that detailed Planning, Finance, & Parish Matters Agenda Papers could be tabled before the start of each scheduled Monthly Meeting -

Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the October 2011 Meeting -
- To include Allotments & Agendas - monthly presentation by Clerk -

Nb - Clerk requested to make enquiries re Allotments with BTC -

60. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
60.1 - Superfast Broadband letter - to Alan Stenning -

60.2 - Request for Parish Transport Rep - to Elizabeth Welch at October Meeting -

The next Meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 10 October 2011, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.


Monday 12 September 2011 :-

Concern expressed by local residents, re the work carried out by Wessex Water to Public Bridleway 15 at the top of Bothenhampton Nature Reserve. The chalk hard core used is very stark on the landscape, and extends past the Reservoir Site where there is an extensive turning circle - also concerned about boundary fences on east bound footpath from the Nature Reserve - Action - Clerk to contact Rights of Way Officer, Jill Exton - 01305 221558

Comments on Planning Application 1/D/11/001195 - Donkey Stabling -
Concern that extensive fencing has already been carried out - District Councillor pointed out that fencing on agricultural land does not need Planning Consent -

Resident has concern about positioning of proposed Polytunnel, and close proximity of Stabling to John Gundry Play Area entrance - Action - comments were noted by parish Councillors present -

Robin Stapleton requested repairs be made to 2nd Notice Board in Walditch - backing defective - Action - Clerk to request that Lengthsman carry out repairs -

Jellyfields Nature Reserve - resident living close by Site expressed interest in future ownership of Reserve - Action - Clerk assured resident that both Reserves were on the Parish Matters Agenda -