Present: Karl Wallace(Chair), Audrey Pearson, Debbie Jack, Colin Sparkes, David Stubbs, Peter Tobutt, Pennie Jones & Elizabeth Welch - 8 Parish Councillors were present.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


37.1 - To remind Parish Councillors of the need to make a Declaration of Interest on any Agenda items where personal or prejudicial interest may arise. E.g. This may be a Grant request for a Village Hall Project, or a Planning Application adjacent to a Parish Councillor's home.

37.2 - The Chairman, Karl Wallace, to withdraw from leading the PLANNING AGENDA, as he is a member of WDDC Development Control Committee, and this part of the Meeting is to be led by the Vice Chairman, Bob Dennis, or a Parish Councillor nominated by the Chairman.

37.3 - Parish Councillor Debbie Jack is presently working for DCC Planning - Regulation 3 + large School extensions/inc. farms & County owned buildings - this should not affect her giving a view on PC received WDDC/DCC Planning Applications.


38.1 There were apologies from - Bob Dennis, David Tett & Mark Roberts.


The Minutes of the previous Meetings of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 12 July 2010 & Extraordinary Meeting on Monday 2 August 2010, were accepted as true records of the Meetings and duly signed by the Chairman.


40.1 Numbering of Minutes from May 2010. Minutes to be numbered sequentially i.e. May - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60 , November - 61 to 72 , December - no Meeting, January 2011 - 73 to 84, February 2011 - 85 to 96, March 2011 - 97 to 108, & April 2011 - 109 to 120 . This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.
Visit to Meeting by Steve Burdis - Head of Waste Management DCC

Steve Burdis was introduced by Karl Wallace at 7.04 p.m., and outlined his considerable experience in Waste Management both in Shropshire and Dorset. He carefully described the complexities facing the County Council in finding an ideal site in Bridport to fully meet the needs of the public as a whole. The Highways Agency had agreed that sites could be considered adjacent to the A35, but had not presented any design plans or costings of road changes needed to make the access & departures possible.
In Planning terms, the Consultants appointed by DCC have placed Broomhills in the first preference with Gore Cross as number two. The complete complex would consist of a Household Recycling Centre and a Waste Transfer Station that would be built on the same site. As there were only 7 members of the public and 8 Parish Councillors present, there was some debate which ended up with a common understanding that the forthcoming DCC Cabinet Meeting to discuss the choosing of a site on the 15 September was likely to be a lively affair.
Steve was thanked by the Chair for his contribution to the short discussion which ended at 7.30 p.m.


At 7.35 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.45 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.


David Tett - had presented his apologies at the last Meeting.


Mark Roberts - had presented his apologies but had sent a message that Weymouth & Portland District Council & WDDC were involved with successful negotiations on the probable merger of common services.


Ron Coatsworth - further explained that Weymouth & Portland & WDDC were looking to share some services & probably have one CEO in the near future. Mentioned about changes to Street Lighting - Bothenhampton already have replacement lighting as changes were made about 2 years ago. Commented that DCC had applied for outline Planning for a Waste Disposal Plant.

45.* PLANNING AGENDA. - Chaired by Parish Councillor Debbie Jack.

a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC :-

1/D/10/000434 - Wind Turbine - 7 Green lane - Objection - see Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting 2/8/10 - Action - notification of WITHDRAWN APPLICATION received 11/9/10 -

1/D/10/001339 - 59 East Road - Front Extension - Action - Corporate View to support Application -

CA/10/00235 - Green Pastures, Bothenhampton - fell 1 Beech Tree 7& replace - Action - no comments to WDDC

CA/10/00254 - Stoneleigh, Walditch - reduce height of Willow & Tulip Tree
- Action - no comments to WDDC

Appeal - 41 Pasture Way, Bothenhampton - no further Action by PC

Appeal - Stoneleigh, Walditch - no further Action by PC

Tree Preservation Order 2010 - 903

1/D/10/0001447 - Stoneleigh, Walditch - extension - Action - to Debbie Jack who will report to the next Meeting on Monday 11 October 2010.

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

45 Manor Fields - Approval

Blossoms, Quarry Lane - Approval

Appeal - 108 West Bay Road - I allow the Appeal

1 Chestnut Rise - withdrawn Application

1/D/10/000800 - 7 & 7a Crock Lane - to Development Control Committee(DCC) - Thursday 16/9/10 - no Action by PC

1/D/10/001030 - Bridport & West Dorset Golf Club - to DCC - Thursday 16/9/10 - no Action by PC

1/D/10/000673 - Blackthorn Farm - to DCC - Thursday 16/9/10 - no Action by PC


Receipts - None

i) Statement of Current Account as at 31 August 2010 - £10816.16

ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed :

£ 1105 C T Dobbs - Expenses 42.19
1106 Bothenhampton Village Hall 12.00
1107 David Landscapes 306.05
1108 C T Dobbs - July & August Salary 758.16
1109 D.S.Thomas - leaflets for Public Meeting 60.00
1110 D.S.Thomas - hire of Projector 10.00
1111 Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton 900.00
1112 David Landscapes 288.05
Total 2376.45

Balance 8439.71

Proposed for payment by Colin Sparkes , seconded by Elizabeth Welch , and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda.

Parish Matters from the Floor of the last Meeting on Monday 12 July 2010 -*

47.1 --* Works Schedules for Lengthsman & evaluation - Action - Clerk described that Lengthsman would work at Bothenhampton & Walditch for 1 day on the second Tuesday of each month. This enables Parish Councillors to plan the work schedules at the Monday Meeting. A work schedule was agreed to include tasks in Bothenhampton & Walditch which would be detailed to the Lengthsman by the Clerk at their Tuesday morning 8 a.m. meeting.

47.2 - * Existing & new seating in Parish - Action - Colin Sparkes led the discussion as he had inspected most of the seating in both Parishes. PC instructed Clerk to obtain estimates for renovation of listed benches.

47.3 - * Bridport Waste management Facility - Update - Action - there was a lively debate when the Chair suggested the statement that BWPC were not in favour of a Waste Transfer Centre being built alongside the A35 Trunk Road. Overall, the Parish Councillors had differing views, and advised against any statements being made on behalf of BWPC at the impending DCC Cabinet Meeting on the Bridport Waste Management Facility.

47.4 - Bridport Conservation Area Public Consultation 3 May - 30 June 2010 - Action - it was noted by PC that the DCC Policy Scrutiny Committee would have this item on the agenda on Tuesday 21 September 2010 starting at 2.15 p.m. in the Council Chamber.

47.5 - Audit Completion - Update from Clerk -

Action - Following research by the Clerk into BWPC Minutes signed 11/11/02, 9/12/02, & 10/2/03 regarding the classification of the Walditch Open Spaces money held by WDDC, the Auditors BDO LLP agree that the money should have been classified as money held on deposit by WDDC for the Parish Council and not S106 money as the District Council had indicated on 1 April 2009.
The Minutes of 13 January 2003 clearly show that it was the Parish Council's intention to place the money (£20000), on an Investment Deposit with WDDC, and the PC 2002 Account Records verify the transactions having taken place. In conclusion, the Auditors consider that the monies on deposit with WDDC should be included in the figures of the Parish Council's Annual Return 2010. It should be noted that inclusion of the monies on deposit with WDDC in the Parish Council's Annual Return had been carried out between 2003 and 2009.

These amendments to the Annual Return were authorized by the Parish Council and initialled by the Clerk. A copy of this Minute giving Authorization is to accompany the amended Annual Return. The Auditors have agreed to accept Draft Minutes as the requested information must be received by 24 September 2010, otherwise further charges will be added to the Audit Fee.
The Auditor will note that re-signing of the Annual Return has been made by the Responsible Financial Officer (Clerk - Chris Dobbs), and the Chairman of the Parish Council, Karl Wallace, as Chair of the Meeting on Monday 13 September 2010.

47.6 - The Parish Council are advised that your Clerk has spent up to 15 Additional work hours since May 2010 in obtaining and researching Minutes & Financial Records, following numerous phone calls from the Auditor at BDO LLP. If approved by the Parish Council, the additional payment for 15 hours at £9.941 per hour would be £149.15 Gross - less tax at 20% = £29.82 - giving a net payment of £119.33. -

Action - Parish Councillor David Stubbs recommended thanks to the Clerk via the Chair for the additional work carried out over the last few months, and proposed the payment to the Clerk of 15 hours at £9.941 per hour. This proposal was supported by all Parish Councillors present.

47.7 - Bridport Area Development Trust - Action - Karl Wallace outlined the proposed plans to develop the old Bridport Library building into a Rope Museum and Study Centre. He had recently attended a High Court hearing which granted an 18 month extension for Bridport Area Development Trust, to seek funding for such a development to take place.

47.8 - Consultation on Draft Sex Establishment Policy - Action - David Stubbs to consider the consultation document and report to the October Meeting.

47.9 - Byelaw for the Regulation of Acupuncture etc. - Action - to David Stubbs for scrutiny & report to October Meeting.

47.10 - Parish Maintenance Unit - Review - Action - the Parish Council were informed by the Clerk that some jobs had been completed during August.

47.11 - Planning Matters - Bothenhampton Res. Assoc. - from Sept. Meeting(35.6) - Pennie Jones - Action - Karl Wallace agreed to contact Planning regarding the brevity of a recent reply to the matter of the Red Roof & Caravan Storage monitoring - Karl to report to the October Meeting.

47.12 - Safety re junction of Crock Lane/Main Street - Concern expressed by local resident - Action - Clerk to contact DCC Traffic and Safety Management Officer with the aim of arranging a site meeting to consider the concern - Pennie Jones agreed to attend.

Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the October 2010 Meeting : -

There were no proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda.

48. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

48.1 - CPRE Journal & Newsletter, DCC Ridgeway Publications, &DCC Vegetation Report - Action - to Audrey -
48.2 - Finger Spotting Guidelines - Action - to Elizabeth -
48.3 - DAPTC Summer Newsletter - Action - distributed to all Parish Councillors present.

The next Meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 11 October 2010, commencing at 7 p.m.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 9.23 p.m.


Nb - These notes are attached to the Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 13 September 2010.

Robin Stapleton continues to have concern that at least two of the Sycamore saplings have been browsed. He suggested a need for fresh replacement mature saplings with weed controller and adequate fencing to prevent cattle browsing the mature trees.
The Horse Chestnut on Walditch Village Green needs inspection as the tree seems to be continuing to deteriorate.
On both these matters, the Clerk was advised to speak with Graham Cox, Senior Tree Officer for WDDC.

Roger Ffooks mentioned the brevity of the reply regarding the Bothenhampton Residents Association letter to WDDC Planning on the Red Roof, and monitoring of Caravan & Boat Storage at Church Hayes Farm. Chairman of PC, Karl Wallace, agreed to contact Dr David Evans in the near future to request more detailed consideration.

Robin Stapleton mentioned that the notice board at the Eastern end of Walditch possibly needs the back replacing. Clerk to request the Lengthsman to look at the maintenance of the notice board on his next visit.

A Walditch resident considered the improvement work at Jellyfields LNR to provide little more than a dog walking route. There was some disagreement amongst the residents present at the Meeting about the value of Jellyfields, and a further view that it was a good green space close to the village.