Present: Mrs Regan (Chair), Mrs England MBE, Mr Harrison, Mr Dennis.
In attendance: D. R. Barnes (Clerk)


Mr Matthews, Mr Tett.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th August 2004 having been circulated to all members were accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly signed.


Items 15- Obstructed views upon turning out of Wych Hill onto Burton Road: Mrs England reported that the vegetation causing the obstruction has been cut down since the last meeting. Mrs Regan proposed that, under item 12 on this meeting's agenda ('Parish Matters'), a letter of thanks be sent to DCC, which was seconded by Mrs England and agreed by all of the other councillors.


At 7.09pm the meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their views on matters of local interest. At 7.26pm the meeting re-convened to complete the council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.


Nothing to report.


As Mr Roberts was absent from the meeting, there was nothing to report.


Mr Coatsworth reported that on 16th September, he will be attending a further meeting regarding the possible provision of bus stops along Sea Road South. He informed the meeting that the local police has objected. Regarding Parish Maintenance Units, Mr Coatsworth welcomed any comments, for example instances of work requested but not carried out. It is felt that the Units have been generally successful.


Mrs Regan informed the meeting that, sometime between March and May 2005, she will be resigning as a councillor, to spend more time with her husband, whose health is poor. Recently, Mrs Warburton had resigned, due to her poor health. There being only four parish councillors out of a permitted total of nine creates a heavy burden and is not as representative as could be, especially as there are no councillors from Walditch. After a brief discussion, all agreed that an appeal will be included in a forthcoming issue of Team News, (proposed by Mrs Regan and seconded by Mr Dennis), and the clerk will find out what notices may be displayed on the parish notice boards to publicise the vacancies on the council.


A] Applications received from WDDC/DCC:
1/W/04/001417 - 87 Gundry Road: Erection of first floor extension: No comment.
1/W/04/001413 - 1 South Lawns: Erection of two-storey extension: No comment.
1/W/04/001419 - 10 Mount Joy: Demolish chimney and remove dormer window; carry out internal and external alterations; install three dormer windows: No comment.
1/W/04/001656 - 24 Pasture Way: Demolish existing porch and erect single storey extension: passed to Mrs Regan for comment.
1/W/04/001625 - 5 Chestnut Road: Erect front porch and rear conservatory: passed to Mrs England for comment.
1/W/04/001672 - 12 Elwell: Convert loft into living accommodation and erect extension: passed to Mrs Regan for comment.
1/W/04/001577 - 8 Glebe Close: Erect front and rear extension to garage and erect rear conservatory and front porch: passed to Mr Harrison for comment.
1/W/04/001595 & 001596 - Manor Cottage, Walditch Road, Walditch: Demolish existing single storey rear extension and erect single storey garden room extension; carry out internal & external alterations: passed to Mrs Regan for comment.
DCC: None
B] Decisions by WDDC/DCC:
1/W/04/000683 - Land adjacent to 1 Chestnut Road: Erection of dwelling and new vehicular access: Advice that an appeal has been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate against the council's refusal of this application. The hearing is set for after 7 September.
1/W/04/001260 - Laurel Farm House, Main Street, Bothenhampton: Demolish porch and erect single storey extension: permission granted.
1/W/04/000738 - The Old Vicarage, Westown, Bothenhampton: Erect conservatory (retrospective application): Permission granted.
1/W/04/001209 - Cherry Tree, Duck Street, Bothenhampton: Erect extension and detached garage; carry out alterations: permission granted.
1/W/04/001135 - Kingshill, Westown, Bothenhampton: Erect double garage: Permission granted.

Vodafone Mast at Walditch - The Clerk informed the meeting that the Planning Inspectorate had upheld the appeal lodged by Vodafone against the refusal of planning permission for the permanent mast at the Hyde Plantation. It appears that work will start shortly on the project.

Willowmead - Mr Harrison reported that an enforcement officer of WDDC had dealt with the issue of constant bonfires at this development site, especially one where plastic was being burned.

Trees - Eucalyptus at Royal Oak Cottage, Main Street, Bothenhampton: permission granted to remove it. Trees at Corner Cottage, Walditch: permission granted to remove cherry and reduce height of crab apple, holly and cotoneaster.
DCC: None.


A] Statement of Account as at 31 August 2004.
The Clerk informed the meeting of the current position.
B] Accounts for Payment.
Clerk's salary (August).…...……………..……..……..£242.33
Bothenhampton Village Hall (hire)……………………..£30.00
Walditch Church (churchyard maintenance)…………..£550.00
David Landscapes (grass cutting)…………………...…£474.11
Mrs Regan proposed these accounts should be paid. This was seconded by Mr s England and approved by all of the other councillors.


Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. Mrs England proposed that the same amount of grant as last year should be given to this vital service, i.e. £200. This was seconded by Mr Harrison and agreed by all of the other councillors.
WATAG (re Ring & Ride service). The clerk was instructed to find out more about the project, eg request examples of typical routes taken/distances travelled before further consideration is given.


Footpaths & Roads - Mr Harrison reported that weeds are growing up and out of the high pavement along Main Street, Bothenhampton, causing parking problems etc. The clerk was instructed to contact DCC; (it was thought that DCC will not use weed killer). Mrs England reported that the bus still has difficulty turning from Hollow Way into Crock Lane and is curious of any progress in the matter of widening Crock Lane. Mr Harrison reported that the recent spell of thefts of road signs has been well acted upon by DCC, new signs being installed. He will arrange for two signs for Chestnut Avenue where there is currently one.
Street Lighting - The clerk read out a reply from DCC regarding the issue of financial liability for replacing lanterns at Manor Fields. It was agreed to pass this reply to Mr Matthews for his attention, as he is best placed to interpret the agreement reached with DCC on replacement lanterns. Further discussion will take place at the next meeting.
Neighbourhood Watch - Mr Harrison relayed messages from Bridport Police on matters of deliberate fire lighting in the Bridport area (dial 999 immediately) and tree surgeons charging excessive fees who target elderly people.
Conservation & Open Spaces - Allotments: Mr Matthews had sent in a note informing the meeting that the allotments in Walditch are in full use, that the land was lent to the village by the Gundry family and seems to be administered by John Gundry.
The clerk confirmed that he has not received any plans or correspondence regarding Nature Reserves.
Play Areas - Walditch Village Play Area: Mrs Regan will consult with Mr Matthews regarding the goal posts for this area which the Walditch Residents Association believes he promised the parish council would provide. Mr Matthews' involvement in the 'joint committee' proposed by Walditch Residents Association, which should agree the permitted activities for the Area, will be discussed at the next meeting.
Cemetery Play Area: The clerk was instructed to chase up the provision of a litter bin and its emptying with WDDC.
Warning signs for vehicles as they approach the various Play Areas in the parish will be discussed at the next meeting.
John Holt Play Area: The clerk referred to the quotation from DCC to repair/maintain the play area to the required standard. Cost: £905.00. Mrs Regan proposed this work should be carried out; this was seconded by Mr Dennis and agreed by all of the other councillors.
Following a brief discussion, the weekly inspectors of the Play and Amenity Areas, (established as a condition of insurance cover) were agreed as follows:
John Holt: Mrs Regan
Cemetery: Mr Gough
Walditch Village: A rota will be set up by the 'joint committee'
Valley View Amenity: Valley View Residents Society will set up a rota.
DAPTC - Chief Executive's Circulars16/04 & 17/04 were referred to by the clerk. He distributed the latest Newsletter (August 2004). This parish council hosted the last regional meeting of DAPTC on 2 September in Bothenhampton Village Hall. The main points from the meeting were: every lane should have applied to it a speed limit of 20-30 mph; damage is occurring to memorial stones; the Assistant Chief Constable was expected to attend but did not, which the committee will be lodging a complaint about, as attendance by police officers has been promised and not met in the past.


WDDC: Copy of final invitation to Mr Norman, occupier of land within the Walditch Conservation Area, to attend a discussion regarding damage to trees. Letter from Housing Department asking for details of any land that, in principle, could be developed for affordable housing. Copy of letter to Mr Ffooks from the Planning Department regarding annotation of plans.Letter regarding the new references to be made to Village Design Statements in the planning process. DCC: Promotion of Dorset Photo-Postcard Competition. Letter regarding the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Waste Local Plan: exhibition at Bridport Town Hall on 13th October 2pm - 8pm. Plan on deposit from 30th September for 8 weeks. "Caring Matters" Social Services newsletter.
Other:. The World Heritage Coast Trust: Launch of the 'Friends of the Jurassic Coast' on 20th September using The Waverley paddle steamer between Weymouth and Seaton.
WATAG: Minutes of the meeting to be held on 16th September.
NALC: "Local Council Review" journal.
Macmillan Cancer Relief: Promotion of "World's Biggest Coffee Morning" on 24th September.
Crown Prosecution Service (Dorset): Annual Report 2003-4.
Western Power Distribution: Certificate of Unmetered Supply.
Austen Whetham & Guest: Advice of retirement of Richard Salt as Partner.
Cameleo: Brochure for play equipment.
The Countryside Agency: Letter re changes in organisational structure.
CPRE: "Fieldwork" newsletter.

The next meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall at 7.00pm on Monday, October 11th at 7.00pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 8.35pm.


1. Protection of Trees on land in Walditch occupied by Mr Norman.
2. Removal of weather-damaged trees along Walditch Road.
3. Maintenance of shrubbery/trees on Walditch Green.
4. Valley View Residents Newsletter.
5. Landscaping of Valley View Amenity Area.
6. Repaired notice board for Walditch Road.
7. Vodafone permanent mast.
8. Jellyfields open space.
9. Invitation by Parish Council to Mr Castle to put himself forward for co-option.
10. Blocked drains along Walditch Road.
11. Overgrown hedges at junction of Walditch Road and East Road and along Lower Walditch Lane.