Present: Karl Wallace(Chair),Robert Dennis(Vice Chair),Audrey Pearson, Debbie Jack, Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes, David Stubbs, Peter Tobutt, & Elizabeth Welch.. In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


70.1 To remind Parish Councillors of the need to make a Declaration of Interest on any Agenda items where personal or prejudicial interest may arise. E.g. This may be a Grant request for a Village Hall Project, or a Planning Application adjacent to a Parish Councillor's home.

70.2 The Chairman will withdraw from leading the PLANNING AGENDA, as he is a member of WDDC Development Control Committee, and this part of the Meeting is to be led by the Vice Chairman, or a Parish Councillor nominated by the Chairman.


71.1 There were apologies from - Ron Coatsworth & Peter Tobutt.


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 12 October 2009, were accepted as a true record of the Meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.


73.1 Numbering of Minutes from May 2009. Minutes to be numbered sequentially i.e. May - 1 to 11, June - 12 to 22, July - 23 to 33, August - 34 to45, September - 46 to 57, October - 58 to 69, November - 70 to 81, January 2010 - 82 to 93, March 94 to 105, April 106 - 117. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

73.2 Colin Sparkes commented that he was continuing to seek land for Allotments with not too much success. Allotments requested to be placed on Agenda for January 2010 Meeting.

73.3 Bob Dennis commented that repairs to Hollow Way Footpath were being completed in concrete rather than stone, which is not in keeping with Conservation Area - Action - Clerk to follow up

73.4 - There was a request from Bob Dennis to investigate the possibility of having BWPC Identification Badges, to be worn when pursuing public business such as Planning Application visits - Clerk to investigate.


At 7.22 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.32 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.


David Tett - Re. South West Quadrant: The Public Enquiry into the Appeal of the First Planning Application Refusal will be heard, so I understand, on the 26 January 2010 and lasting for three days. The venue has yet to be decided but, again, I understand it might possibly be in The Town Hall, Bridport: and just to remind Members, the only ground for Refusal was the down size in the Coach Station. However, this Objection was addressed in the second Planning Application, also refused.

I have now met with the Director of Planning and Environment at West Dorset District Council and he has given me his assurance that , under no circumstance, will the Coach Station be laid out other than in accordance with the Plan to the second Planning Application - David Tett, Ward Member - 9 November 2009.
Karl Wallace had nothing to add to David's Comments.


Mark Roberts - commented on the Lengthman's Scheme - Clerk commented that the subject is to be debated in Parish Matters.
Commented that white lines had now been painted on the edges of the Bridport to Weymouth Coast Road.
Commented on BT payphones - Clerk reported that Parish Council had supported WDDC in their Appeal against removal.
Mark outlined that 106 agreements are going to change in the New Year - BWPC intend to respond to the WDDC Planning Obligations document.


Ron Coatsworth - had sent his apologies.

Karl Wallace expressed concern re the removal of white lines from the B3157, coast road to Weymouth - is presently involved in an active campaign to have facilities re enstated.
Announced that 8 village libraries are likely to close in new DCC cuts plan, also some Day Centres are likely to be sold - in a very depressed market.


a) Applications received from WDDC/DC :-

1/D/09/001588 - 17 Valley Road - Demolish extension & garage. New single storey extension - to Bob Dennis 13/10/09 - Action - to be delegated to Bob Dennis & Debbie Jack for Corporate View as it is understood that amended Plan may be imminent. 1/D/09/000487 - Hillside 3 Crock Lane - Amended/ Additional Plans - to Meeting - no action required.

1/D/09/001647 - Morrison Stores PLC - Relocate fire doors from staff Café kitchen area to public Café area - to Bob Dennis 3/11/09 - Action - recommended Approval.

1/D/09/001752 - 2 Hyde Cottages, Walditch demolish asbestos canopy porch - Replace front door and internal alterations - Action - recommended Approval.

1/D/09/001427 - Home Farm House - Part amended/Additional Plan - to Meeting - no action

1/D/09/001332 - 59 East Road - Amended/ Additional Plan - to Meeting - no action.

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1/D/09/001358 - 5 Pasture Way - Extension Approval.


Receipts - none

i) Statement of Current Account as at 31 October 2009 - £12750.44

ii) Accounts for Payment
Less outstanding cheques as listed :-
1042 Walditch Village Hall £15 * presented at October Meeting.
1048 Clerk's Salary £352.43
1049 Clerk's Expenses 57.36
1050 DCC - Play Area Inspections 114.43
1051 Bothenhampton Village Hall 12.00
1052 Accounts & Audit Services 54.00
1053 St Mary's Churchyard, Walditch 900.00
1054 David Landscapes 498.05
1055 Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton 900.00

Total - £2903.27
Balance - £9847.17

Proposed for payment by Elizabeth Welch, seconded by Audrey Pearson, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda.

80.1 - Budget 2010/2011 - to include Approval of Revised Salary Scale for Clerk, and to set Precept for 2010 - Action - Budget 2010/2011,Revised Salary Scale & Precept for 2010 - proposed for Approval by Karl Wallace, seconded by Bob Dennis, and carried by all Parish Councillors. N.B. see Budget 2010-2011 attached to Minutes & outline of Clerk's Salary Scale from November 2009.

80.2 - Risk Assessment - Scrutiny of Policy - Action - All Financial & Physical Areas of Risk scrutinized by Parish Councillors present. Action - Clerk to check storage of assets arrangements with Parish Council's Solicitors & report to January Meeting - Pennie Jones to consider Safety Notices for Parents of young children using the Play Areas in Bothenhampton & Walditch.

80.3 - Maintenance of Play Areas - Action - Clerk to arrange for Inspection Report to be considered by appropriate contractors, so that defects can be repaired and maintenance carried out.

80.4 - Footpaths - update - Action - Audrey reported that recent adverse weather has caused a number of footpaths in the area to be blocked by fallen trees and debris. DCC have been informed and it is anticipated that clearance will be progressed within the next few weeks.

80.5 - Sycamore Avenue, Walditch - Review of developments. - Action -Karl agreed to make enquiries with Enforcement Officer.

80.6 - BT Payphones - No Action - for January Agenda

80.7 - List of Meeting Dates 2010 - Action - distributed to Parish Councillors present.

80.8 - Lengthsman' Scheme - visit from Bob Gillis, BTC Clerk - Action - Not to be committed directly to the scheme, but to debate 'pay as you go' at January Meeting.

80.9 - Section 106 monies held by WDDC - Action - The detailed accounts of 106 Monies held by WDDC on behalf of BWPC were outlined to Parish Councillors present, and the reply from the Planning Obligations Officer, Jonathan Smith, was read to the Meeting. Jonathan has agreed to attend the January Meeting to give further clarification.

80.10 - Jellyfields LNR - Action - The Clerk has made a site visit recently where the Ranger, Lawrence Weston, outlined plans about a proposed project at Jellyfields. Now that the S.106 monies have been identified, it was suggested that further consultations take place in early January 2010.

80.11 - Garden Bonfires - update re leaflets & byelaws - Action - it was agreed to defer this update to the January Meeting.

80.12 - New Hedge in Walditch - Action - the Parish Council approved the project as outlined by the Clerk.

80.13 - Bridport/Bothenhampton Speed Limit - Karl Wallace. -Action - Karl recommended that Road Safety Officer, Doug Chalmers, be invited to the February 2010 Meeting.

80.14 - CAB - Application for Financial Assistance - Action - the Parish Council approved a grant of £400 be paid to CAB Bridport.

80.15 - Bothenhampton Brownies Application for Financial Assistance - Action - Parish Council agreed in principal to give support, and would consider detail at January Meeting.

80.16 - Audrey Pearson raised some points about the footpath in Main Street and Old Church Road - Action - to be on Agenda for next Meeting.

81.CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

81.1 - Partnerships, Plans & Power of Wellbeing - Thursday 19 November 2009 - Action - delegates required - no volunteers
81.2 - Planning Obligations Guidelines - to Debbie - Action - Debbie agreed to forward guidance to Clerk.
81.3 - Open Spaces Journal - Action - To Audrey
81.4 - Countryside Voice - magazine of CPRE - to Audrey
81.5 - CPRE - Dorset Review -to Audrey -
81.6 - Caring Matters - to Karl -
81.7 - Your Dorset - Clerk informed that everyone has a copy.
81.9 - A303 Information Letter - not circulated.
81.8 - South Western Ambulance Service - Karl -
The next Meeting will be held inBothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 11 January 2010 at7.00 p.m.
Please note that Debbie Jack gave her Apologies for the January & February 2010 Meetings.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.


Nb - These notes are attached to the Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 9 November 2009.

Eileen Harding raised a Planning Matter re - 17 Valley Road, as she had difficulty working out height from scale drawings in Design and Access Statement. Noted that planned extension was on a prominent site on top of the hill, and expressed concern that no further clearance of trees should take place. Was re-assured by owners of 17 Valley View, that present trees would remain and every consideration be given to neighbours with regard to the overall Plan of the buildings and site. Keith Harding mentioned that various wildlife had been observed in the area, including a Dormouse, Deer, and Badgers. The incursion of Deer and Badgers was agreed not to be welcome into most gardens.

Mr & Mrs Brinsden informed the Meeting and members of the public present, that new drawings being prepared will reduce the roof height as they wished to be in harmony with their neighbours and address any concerns they may have.

Roger Ffooks asked if the Enforcement Officer had a view regarding the red roof on the new bungalow at Mount Joy, as it would appear that no fading had taken place in the last 6 months.

As past Chairman of Bothenhampton Residents Association, and present Committee Member, Roger expressed support for the Lengthman's Scheme which he noted is to debated by the Parish Council.