Present: Mrs Regan (Chairperson), Mr Matthews, Mrs England MBE, Mrs Warburton, Mr Dennis. In attendance: D. R. Barnes (Clerk)


Mr Harrison, Miss Brown.


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 5th April 2004 having been circulated to all members were corrected in respect of item 15 then accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly signed.


Item 11 - Waste transfer station, (Sita), Burton Road: Mrs England reported that the action group formed to stop this development was very satisfied with the letter sent by the clerk. She informed the meeting that, should the application be withdrawn or refused by DCC, any funds raised by the action group which cannot be returned to the doners might be donated to an environmental pressure group such as the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England.


As he had reported during the Annual Parish Meeting, the Admiral had nothing further to report. He congratulated Mrs Regan on being returned as Chairperson for 2004-5.


As Mr Tett had reported during the Annual Parish Meeting, he had nothing further to report.


Mr Roberts apologised for being absent from the Annual Parish Meeting and gave this report: He informed the meeting that Rear Admiral Pritchard had stood down as Leader of WDDC and that a replacement had been chosen. Mr Roberts thanked the Admiral for his work as Leader. WDDC is considering speeding-up the planning process, perhaps giving parish councils less time to reply as part of the consultation procedure. He stressed that the views of parish councils are needed to allow for proper consultation and Mrs Regan agreed to Mr Roberts' request for a meeting to discuss the matter. He did explain that some parish councils object to planning applications on illegitimate grounds, i.e. for reasons other than those included in planning criteria. Mrs Regan asked the clerk to redistribute to all members the criteria as published by DAPTC. Mr Dennis asked Mr Roberts what the benefit was in speeding-up the planning process to which Mr Roberts replied that WDDC can gain more funding as a result and pointed out that WDDC is much slower than most other district councils in its turn around time for applications.


Mr Coatworth reported that the Highways Agency had decided that there were insufficient funds available to provide a crossing for the A35 Sea Road South this year. The Agency is unwilling to consider the provision of more bus stops along this road due to police objection to potential obstructions caused. In respect of speeding, DCC is experimenting with a speed indicator device in the area and may be able to provide other temporary devices in the future. Generally, the county council has kept its expenditure within 1% of its target, though the Social Services department is struggling to absorb the costs of funding care home places outside its own premises. Mr Coatsworth urged the parish council to interface with the Parish Maintenance Units which will next appear in the parish in October. He informed the meeting that the Sidney Gale day centre in Bridport will close because it is unsuitable for its purpose. Answering a question from Mrs England, Mr Coatsworth informed that he is unaware of a potentially suitable property being available in Riverside.


A] Applications received from WDDC/DCC: WDDC: 1/W/04/000650 - 85 Crock Lane: Erect single storey extension: No Comment.
1/W/04/000599 - 2 Mount Joy: Demolish existing flat roof porch and erect single storey extension; demolish chimney: No Comment.
1/W/04/000681 - 1 Mount Joy: Erect single storey porch to north elevation, form pitched roof over existing porch & demolish chimneys: No Comment. (N.B. A planning notice was not displayed at the property).
1/W/04/000780 - Juniper Lodge, 3 Mount Joy: Demolish existing flat roof garage and erect pitched roof garage: passed to Mrs England for comment.
1/W/04/000683 - Land adjacent to 1 Chestnut Road: erect dwelling with garage and construct new vehicular access: Refusal recommended due to perceived congestion and obstruction on Chestnut Road, a highway already congested, and the site of this proposed dwelling would include an access on a steep hill, a potentially dangerous location. Further parking on the highway should be discouraged. The property situated at 24 Wanderwell, West Bay Road, backs onto Burton Road, its window(s) facing across to what would be the rear of any proposed dwelling. Such a situation would cause 24 Wanderwell to be excessively 'over-looked' due to the height of a two storey property located as proposed.
DCC: None
B] Decisions by WDDC/DCC:
1/W/04/000379 - 1 Elwell, Crock Lane: Erect conservatory: permission granted.
1/W/04/000316 - Kingshill, Westown, Bothenhampton: Erect replacement garage: permission refused.
1/W/04/000218 - Wych Links, Wych Hill: Erect extensions & carry out alterations: permission granted.
1/W/04/000479 -24 Pasture Way: Demolish existing porch & erect single storey extension: permission refused.
Cedar tree at bridleway, Old Church Road, Bothenhampton: permission granted to remove tree.
Tree overhanging 7 Howard Road: the clerk read out a letter from the occupiers of 7 Howard Road in which they made reference to the agreement of WDDC to the removal of the hazard. They believed the tree to be located on land owned by the parish council, therefore the parish council should consider paying for the work. Mrs Regan will visit 7 Howard Road to discuss.
DCC: None.


A] Statement of Account as at 30 April 2004.
The Clerk informed the meeting of the current position.

B] Accounts for Payment.
Clerk's salary (April)…...……………..…….....£242.33
Bothenhampton Village Hall (hire)……………...£30.00
SWEB (street lighting power)………………….£303.03
DAPTC (annual subscription & forms)………...£412.11
DAPTC (set of Financial Regulations)……………£6.00
Allianz Cornhill (insurance)…………….………£274.43
David Landscapes (grass cutting)……………….£400.68
DCC (inspection of Play Area….)……………….£68.74

Mr Matthews proposed these accounts should be paid. This was seconded by Mrs Warburton.

The clerk referred to an outstanding quotation from DCC for replacing seven lighting columns in Manor Fields. Having referred to correspondence and minutes from 2001, the clerk found that DCC did write to the parish council to inform it of the terms on which the maintenance of the columns could pass to the county council, which included any replacements being paid for by the parish council. However, Mr Matthews informed the meeting that, during the parish council meeting at which it was agreed to employ DCC to maintain the columns, no discussion took place regarding the specific matter of paying for replacement columns. The clerk confirmed that there is no reference to this in the minutes. Mr Matthews proposed that the clerk inform DCC of this; Mrs Regan seconded this and all of the other councillors agreed.


The clerk informed the meeting that, whilst auditing the 2002-3 annual accounts, the internal auditor had recommended the following to be implemented:
1) The Clerk should formally be appointed as the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) of the council with immediate effect. [The clerk explained that this title is not specifically included in his contract of employment, though he carries out the duties of the RFO already].
2) The council should adopt 'Financial Regulations' by 31 March 2005. [The clerk informed the meeting that he had obtained a set of these from DAPTC which should suffice].
3) The council should carry out its first annual Risk Assessment by 31 March 2005. [Mr Matthews and the clerk reminded the meeting that this is already underway].

Mrs Regan proposed a resolution to implement 1) to 3) above, this was seconded by Mr Matthews and all of the other councillors voted in favour.


Mrs Regan asked whether she should produce another newsletter, for circulation to councillors at a future meeting, (to gain approval), prior to general circulation. All of the councillors agreed and the item should be included on a future agenda accordingly.


DCC 'Focus on Youth' summer programme (for children 11-16 years): After a brief discussion, Mrs Regan proposed that a grant to the same value as last year's should be given. This was seconded by Mr Matthews and agreed by all of the other councillors.


Mrs Regan read out a letter from Oliver Letwin MP which congratulated those responsible for producing such a "splendid" document.


Footpaths & Roads - Mrs Regan referred to the height of brambles/undergrowth along Walditch Lane: these are the responsibility of DCC Highways Department.
The location of the salt/grit bin in Lake Lane is still in dispute, as its current site in the lay by is not permitted as it forms part of the highway, according to the police.
A notice board requires repair.
Mrs Regan referred to a letter she had received from the occupier of Briarwood in which he disputed claims made against him in respect of parked cars blocking the highway. Mrs Regan will revisit the resident. The Clerk read out a letter from DCC in which the matter of parking restriction road markings was considered inappropriate.
The clerk read out Mr Harrison's report that he is waiting for DCC to come back to him regarding parking outside 'Landfall', Old Church Road.
Mrs England reported holes appearing on the Burton Road again.

Neighbourhood Watch - A reminder of the Home Watch meeting to be held on Monday 12 July at 6pm in Bothenhampton Village Hall, attended by the County Home Watch Co-ordinator.

Conservation & Open Spaces - The clerk read out a letter received from the organisers of the Walditch Village Open Day in which they asked for permission to use the Village Green. This was granted and the clerk will request that the grass is mown beforehand.
Mr Matthews reported that four trees had been cut back in the Bothenhampton Nature Reserve without permission - no harm was done and he will liaise with the resident responsible and WDDC.
The 'Friends of the Nature Reserve' might be re-established.

Play Areas - Mr Matthews reported that grass has been sown in the Walditch village Play Area and is growing successfully.
Discussions are ongoing in respect of fencing and a gate.
Mr Dennis reported that, despite several attempts by him to arrange for repairs to the vandalised surface of the John Holt Play Area, nobody is prepared to carry this out. Mrs Regan offered to obtain a quotation from Stadia, the firm which supplied the surface originally.

DAPTC - Chief Executive's Circulars 9/04 & 10/04: incl. new e-mail address for DAPTC: daptc@dorsetcc.gov.uk Regarding hosting area meetings, Mrs England reported that these should not coincide with individual councils' meetings, that she had asked the DAPTC secretary to inform her of such dates but had heard nothing yet. Consequently, this council will not be volunteering to host the August area meeting.


WDDC: A letter and leaflets promoting Dorset Leisure Month.
DCC:.Notice of the annual conference of the Dorset Strategic Partnership on Saturday 15th May; Bridport Mobile Library new timetable; "Caring Matters" newsletter from Social Services dept.
Dorset AONB: Framework document 2004-9.
Dorset County Training Partnership: schedule of courses in 2004.
Bridport House Club: Note of thanks for recent grant.
Open Spaces Society: Report on their current litigation with central government.
NALC: "Local Council Review" journal.
Magna Housing Association: new Allocation Policy.
WATAG: Minutes of March meeting.
West Dorset Partnership: Community Plan 2004/5.

The next meeting will be held in Walditch Village Hall at 7.00pm on Monday,June 14th at 7.00pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 8.45pm.