Present: Pennie Jones, Colin Sparkes(Chairman for Meeting), Alan Stenning, & Karl Wallace.
- 4 Parish Councillors were present initially, & 4 Co-opted as listed in MATTERS ARISING , namely - Sarah Butcher, Debbie Jack, David Stubbs, & Elizabeth Welch. In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


13.1 - To remind Parish Councillors of the need to make a Declaration of Interest on any Agenda items where personal or prejudicial interest may arise. E.g. A Grant request for a Village Hall Project, or a Planning Application adjacent to a Parish Councillor's home.


14.1 There were apologies from - Bob Dennis(Chairman), Frances McKenzie, & Sandra Brown -


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 9 May 2011, were accepted as true records and duly signed by the Chairman.


16.1 - Co-option of Parish Councillors as advised in Minute 4.1 of the May 2011 Meeting i.e. : - Debbie Jack, Sarah Butcher, & Elizabeth Welch, with the addition of David Stubbs at this Meeting - Action - All Co-opted & Approved by the Parish Council.

16.2 - Election of Vice Chairman -Action - there were 2 candidates proposed as follows:-

Alan Stenning - proposed by Elizabeth Welch & seconded by Debbie Jack -
Karl Wallace - proposed by Colin Sparkes & seconded by Pennie Jones -

In the subsequent election, there were 2 votes for Alan Stenning & 3 votes for Karl Wallace, so Karl Wallace was duly elected as Vice Chairman of Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council from Monday 13 June 2011.

16.3 Numbering of Minutes from May 2011. Minutes to be numbered sequentially i.e. May - 1 to 12, June - 13 to 24, July - 25 to 36, August - no Meeting, September - 37 to 48, October - 49 to 60 , November - 61 to 72 , December - no Meeting, January 2011 - 73 to 84, February 2011 - 85 to 96, March 2011 - no Meeting, & April 2011 - 97 to 108. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.


At 7.15 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.24 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised. n.b. - There was 1 member of the public present at the Meeting -


David Tett - There is very little to report from Stratton House this past month. It has been very much a 'bedding in', time for newly elected Members.

Cllr. Robert Gould has been re-elected Leader of the Council for the next four years. Cllr. Gillian Summers is the new Council Chairman, taking over from Cllr. Coatsworth.

Nearer to home, I have had meetings with English Heritage, and the Environment Agency, the District Council, Haywards and their planning advisors to work up a plan for the regeneration of the South West Quadrant addressing the concerns that arose on the previous two Planning Applications.

I have also met with both Dorset Police and the Dorset County Council on traffic and highways matters concerning the West Bay Road and, whilst funding is an issue, I hope that perhaps certain measures will come forward to mitigate the problems of visibility when encroaching onto the West Bay Road from both Wanderwell and Roundham Gardens.

An application to build fourteen residential units on the site of Wessex Water in Church Street has been lodged. The CAB's adjoining premises will be affected by this planning application to ensure continuation of the Volunteers' parking arrangements, and I will be looking into this aspect - Thank you -


Mark Roberts - mentioned the new catering outlet on the Askers Hotel site -

There are likely to bigger cuts in the next two years - Weymouth & Portland - 28% - WDDC - 25% - to be considered by Scrutiny programme -

Colin Sparkes asked a question re the funding of the Olympics - Mark pointed out that Government funding was in place, but not for the Torch Carrying Ceremony which would be a Weymouth funding issue.


Ron Coatsworth indicated that DCC budget reduction of 25% was immenent, over and above the present cuts -

Staffing reductions were presently being considered - Sarah Butcher asked how many were presently on DCC Staff -

Concern was expressed re the ongoing discussions of future Library Funding options - likely to be a decision by DCC on 17th July 2011.


a) Applications received from WDDC/DDC :- 1/D/11/000478 - Lynchetts, East Road - External Alterations - to Colin 14/5/11 - Action - the Parish Council gave a Corporate View to support the Application -

1/D/11/000806 - 2 Valley View, Gundry Road - Two storey extension - to Meeting 13/6/11 - Action - to be initially considered by Debbie Jack & Elizabeth Welch, who will report to the July Meeting on Monday11th July 2011 - extension to be sought re Corporate View to 12/7/11 -

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1/D/11/000480 - Land to rear of May Cottage, Old Church Road - Approval -

1/D/11/000336 - 60 Howard Road - Conservatory - Amended Plans -

1/D/11/000336 - 60 Howard Road - Conservatory - Approval -

1/D/11/000606 - 9 Pasture Way - Replacement Porch - Approval -


Receipts - Credit £5.00 -

i) Statement of Current Account as at 31May 2011 - £15237.25
ii) Accounts for Payment

Less outstanding cheques as listed : £ 1157 Walditch Village Hall - Grant for Roof Repair 500.00
1158 Forest & Tree Care - Work Approved 9/5/11 96.00
1159 DAPTC - Annual Subscription - 638.07
1160 CPRE - Annual Subscription - 29.00
1161 Accounts & Audit Services Ltd - Internal Audit - 235.20
1162 Talk Talk Business - ISP Annual Rental - 195.98
1163 Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton - Churchyard Grant - 1000.00
1164 Bothenhampton Village Hall - 24.00
1165 C T Dobbs - Clerk's May Salary - 379.08
1166 C T Dobbs - April/May Expenses - 81.22

Total £3718.55
Balance £11518.70
Proposed for payment by Colin Sparkes, seconded by Pennie Jones , and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


- n.b. All items to be introduced by Clerk unless specified on Agenda -
23.1 - Financial Statement2010/11 & Annual Return 2011 - Action - the Annual Return Accounting statements were approved by Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council on Monday 13 June 2011 & recorded as minute reference 23.1
23.2 - Karl Wallace & Geoff Matthews to outline progress at APM on Monday 9th May 2011 - to June 2011 Meeting - Action - postponed to July Meeting - Clerk to obtain Plans of both sites from Land Registry -
23.3 - Requests for additional Grit Bins - update from Clerk - Action - no contact from DCC - suggest BWPC to action at July Meeting - Action - agreed to make decisions re number of Grit Bins at next Meeting -
23.4 - Walditch Village Hall - Grant to repair Flat Roof - update from Clerk - Action - Grant for roof repair of £500 to be forwarded to Walditch Village Hall Treasurer -
23.5 - Lengthsman's duties for 14/6/11 - Action - attention to footpath W5/22, leading up from Old Church Road in Bothenhampton & Spinners Lane clearance in Walditch -
23.6 - Walditch Sycamore Avenue - Action - Clerk to action site meeting with WDDC Senior Trees Officer, Graham Cox, to take place before the PC July Meeting -
23.7 - Parish/Town Development Survey - Action - to Debbie Jack for completion -
23.8 - Progress of High pavement - Action - Clerk instructed to e mail DCC Principal Engineer, John Burridge, to request tidying of site. A presentation by John Burridge has been arranged for Monday 5th September at Bothenhampton Village Hall for 7 pm start - Clerk to fully inform July 2011 Meeting -
23.9 - Footpath from Mountjoy/Wych Hill to reserviour W5/15 - Report from Colin - Action - Clerk requested to contact DCC Footpaths Officer -
23.10 - Grant request for Bothenhampton Hall Committee - Action - David Weston's(Chair of Hall Committee), letter explained that new front replacement windows were needed for the Hall, and the Parish agreed an initial Grant of £500 -
23.11 - Review of de restricted 30 m.p.h. limit through Walditch Village - Alan Stenning - Action - Clerk to make enquiries with DCC Road Safety -
23.12 - BLAP/Colin Sparkes concern re vehicles using Sat Nav through villages - Action - Draft letter to be approved by PC for July Meeting -
23.13 - Approval of new property address - 9 Bothen Drive - Action - Address approved by PC - Clerk to e mail Royal Mail -
23.13 - Allocation of Areas of Responsibility for 2011/12 - Action - to July Meeting -
Action - Advertising for additional Parish Councillor to be Footpaths Officer to replace Audrey - Pennie agreed to be Footpaths Officer for Bothenhampton ,& Debbie for Walditch - Maps to be supplied by Clerk for next Meeting -
23.14 - Clerk's membership of Society of Local Council Clerks - Action - to be deferred to next Meeting with further information being obtained by Clerk -
Proposals for the Parish Matters Agenda of the July 2011 Meeting :
None for next Meeting proposed -

24. CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

N.B. All correspondence is available from Clerk unless assigned to a Parish Councillor as listed.
24.1 - Bridport Town Hall leaflet -
24.2 - Sustainable Communities Act -
24.3 - DCC Driving Skills Course - Monday 20th June 2011 -
24.4 - Publications - Caring Matters - Open Spaces Journal - DAPTC Newsletter -

The next Meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 11 July 2011, commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting closed at 9 p.m.


Monday 13 June 2011 :-
Alan Heeks - local resident living at Lynchetts, East Road, Bridport, described his Planning Application - 1/D/11/000478 - particularly the environmental & energy reasons for taking off the thatched roof & replacing with tiles -
Also described that children are causing a nuisance on the Valley View grass area adjacent to his property, and causing damage to the fence -