Present: Geoff Matthews (Vice Chairman), David Stubbs, Karl Wallace, Bob Dennis, Audrey Pearson, & Colin Sparkes.
In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


Apologies were received from Alan Stenning (Chairman), Karl Wallace, Roger Ffooks, Mark Roberts, David Tett.


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 11 June 2007 were accepted as a true record of the Meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.


Joan Regan sent a letter withdrawing from co-option to the Parish Council. Councillors requested that the Clerk sent a letter of thanks for her continuing interest in the Parish

List of Parish Councillors - to be updated for Parish Notice Board.

Homewatch update - to be considered in (10) Parish Matters.


At 7.05 pm, the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.10 pm the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised.


David Tett reported that the Scrutiny Committee of the District Council is about to embark on looking at two further services it administers. 1. Land Drainage. 2. Household & Commercial Waste.

As regards Land Drainage, the scope of the Scrutiny will centre around three main areas. 1. Land use planning. 2. Flood alleviation 3. Flood Event support. The Environment Agency has an overarching responsibility and regulatory powers for water management. However, during a flood, the District Council is the emergency response body with a duty to assist communities (i.e. supplying sand bags, checking watercourses for blockages and operating sluices).

As regard Waste, in May this year, the Government released its Waste Strategy 2007. Targets have been revised and by 2010, the District Council will be expected to recycle 40% of its recyclable Waste. Moreover residual Household Waste taken to Landfill Sites is to reduce to 29%. Failure to do so will incur hefty fines on the Local Authority. So everyone has a responsibility to meet these Targets and not to fall foul of the Waste Strategy. A prime example of this is in North Somerset where a fine of £16m is likely to be levied over the next two years (Western Daily Press, Saturday 30 June 2007), and the burden passed on to the Council Tax Payer!

Bob Dennis asked who decided that the Council is efficient? Apparently all recycled waste is weighed and this formulates the basis of % targets. ee As there is little weight in plastic, it is not collected !

Mountjoy School. Plans available for outline planning permission will soon be made.

Colin Sparkes expressed concern that drains were often not cleared as routine maintenance.


No Report.


Waste Transfer Station - probability of Gore Cross. Planning Application soon. Next years budget - low grant increase and capping will continue. Need 3% cash savings with landfill tax increases. Outlook not so good as facing a £20m overspend.


A) Applications received from WDDC/DCC

8.1 TP/07/00167 Cedar Tree on Howard Road. Tree on Valley View Amenity Site - estimate of work by Forest and Tree Care £280 - Approved by Parish Council. Proposer Bob Dennis, seconded David Stubbs - Action - work to be arranged by Clerk

. A8.2 1/W/07/001067 Corner Cottage Walditch) Alterations
A8.3 1/W/07/001068 " " " ) to materials.
A8.4 1/W/07/001163 The Cottage, Walditch - extension
A8.5 1/W/07/001064 The Hyde, Walditch - extension alterations
A8.6 1/W/07/001177 9 Pasture Way - Workshop extension to garage.
A8.7 1/W/07/001107 Bridport Sewerage Treatment Works.

B) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

B8.1 High Hedge - to consider support of letter from Roger Ffooks - Residents Association. Action - Parish Council discussed letter, but felt unable to give corporate view as all matters were subject to legislation.
B8.2 1/W/07/000628 Blossoms, Quarry Lane - extension Approval
B8.3 1/W/06/001412 Appeal at Mount Joy - appeal allowed.App/F1230/A/06/2031169/WF
B8.4 1/W/07/000691 5 Lower Walditch Lane - Approval.


a) Finance Statement of Account as at 30 June 2007 - £11,074.68.
VAT from 1 April to 31 March 07 £1,420.96.

b) Accounts for Payment:-

880 Walditch Village Hall £15.00
881 Walditch Village Hall Grant £885.36
882 BT Telephone Calls £32.83
883 Office Accommodation £97.50
884 Clerk's Salary £314.21
885 Inland Revenue (3 months) £265.86
886 David Landscapes £415.36

All accounts listed were proposed for payment by Bob Dennis, and Seconded by Colin Sparkes - carried by Parish Council.


10.1 Street Lighting - reply from David Jenkins, Chief Executive DCC.

"Following my letter of 15 June, I understand that your Council have confirmed acceptance of the estimate of £16,574.46 (excluding VAT) to replace or upgrade the Parish owned street lighting, in preparation for it to be adopted by the County Council.

While I am afraid that I cannot waive this sum - you will appreciated that there are thousands of such street lights in Dorset and the total cost of waiving all such payments would be very great - I am pleased to agree that arrangements be made for the payment to be phased over a five year period.

David Jenkins, Chief Executive."

10.1a. Parish Owned Street Lighting - Letter from Rod Mainstone, Principal Engineer, DCC.

"Thank you for your letter of 21 June which instructed us to proceed with the works to upgrade your lighting stock to adoptable standard. I am writing to confirm the detail of Mr Jenkins' agreement to phase the payment for these works.

On Completion of the works all the equipment will be adopted by the County Council and an invoice issued for just one fifth of the £16,574.46 (excluding VAT) total. On 1 April of each subsequent year the Parish will receive further invoices for the remaining four fifths of the balance.

Until adoption the Parish will remain responsible for the energy consumed by the lighting stock, our existing agreement to maintain the equipment remains unchanged.
Rod Mainstone, Principal Engineer."

10.2 Draft Conservation Area Appraisals. Public Consultations 2 July 2007 - 24 August 2007. Meetings arranged to take place in Walditch Village Hall & Bothenhampton Village Hall, a.m. & p.m. respectively - see notices for further information.

10.3 Revised Code of Conduct - to discuss with a view of adoption. It was proposed by Geoff Matthews to adopt new Code of Conduct, seconded by David Stubbs - carried by Meeting.

10.4 Traffic Matters - meeting with David Gillett on Tuesday 3 July 2007 at 2.30 p.m.

"Bothenhampton and Walditch - Traffic Matters.
I have passed a copy to my colleague David Gillett for him to note your suggested layout of edge of carriageway markings which we previously agreed would be provided at the Uplands junction in Walditch.

I confirm also that the letter we received from Oliver Letwin MP supporting your Parish Council's request for a formal pedestrian crossing on the A35 Trunk Road Sea Road South in the vicinity of Hollow Way was passed to the DfT Highways Agency South West Team Office at Exeter for a response.

D. Chalmers".

10.5 Friends of John Gundry Play Area. Report on work progress + further consideration of donation from PC (£318 shortfall). Started 25 June 2007. Official opening of Play Area on 5th October at 4.00 p.m. It was proposed by Geoff and seconded by David that the £318 shortfall be paid to the Friends of John Gundry Play Area by the Parish Council.

10.6 Leisure Development Fund. Friends of John Holt Play Area £1,000 grant.
Action - to inform Friends of John Play Area when funds arrive.

10.7 Model Child Protection Policy to be adapted for Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council - Action - Geoff. to prepare document for next Meeting.

10.8 Training Courses Seminar - no action - New Code of Conduct Seminar to be arranged in Bridport for September.

10.9 Nominations for DAPTC Committees - Action - Karl to be asked re nomination.

10.10 SLCC Membership - no action at present.

10.11 Wasps nest High Pavement near Cosy Cot. Repair needed to base of High Pavement stone wall. Action - Reported to Malcolm Osman, Highways WDDC( 01305 225400). NB A/C for Pest Control forwarded to WDDC.

10.12 Homewatch sign. Cost of replacement of the aluminium sign with fittings is £25 + VAT. The replacement was approved by Geoff and the Clerk instructed to action the order.

10.13 External Audit - Annual Return was duly signed by the Vice Chairman as a completed document to be sent for approval before 31 August 2007.


11.1 Local Development Framework - due to replace the Local Plan - which is just about to be printed!.

11.2 .Bridport Local Area Partnership. Karl Wallace, Colin Sparkes - both reps. for Parish Council.

11.3 A30/A35 Crown Roundabout. Reply to letter sent 7 June 2007 - Road Safety Audits may have to be carried out - Action - further advice to follow.

11.4 Consultation on planning the future of West Dorset - Action - Parish Council to shortly be sent Core Strategy Issues & Options Paper.

The next Meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 13th August 2007, commencing at 7.00 pm. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 9.07 pm.


Robin Stapleton gave support for Homewatch and is encouraged that progress is being made. Probably guidelines are needed for co-ordinators. In the near future there will be a Community Police Officer (PC Caroline Orchard), and a Community Support Officer for Bothenhampton and Walditch. Geoff. Thanked Robin for his comments.