Present: Bob Dennis (Vice Chair), Colin Sparkes, Pennie Jones, & Elizabeth Welch. In attendance: Chris Dobbs (Clerk).


78.1 To remind Parish Councillors of the need to make a Declaration of Interest on any Agenda items where personal or prejudicial interest may arise. E.g. a Grant request for a Village Hall Project, or a Planning Application adjacent to a Parish Councillors home.

78.2 Apologies were received from Karl Wallace, Peter Tobutt, Audrey Pearson, David Stubbs, & David Tett.


The Minutes of the previous Meeting of Bothenhampton and Walditch Parish Council held on Monday 10 November 2008, were accepted as a true record of the Meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.


80.1 Numbering of Minutes from May 2008. Minutes to be numbered sequentially i.e. May - 1 to 11, June - 12 to 22, July - 23 to 33, August - 34 to44, September - 45 to 55, October - 56 to 66, November - 67 to 77, January 2009 - 78 to 88, March 89 to 99, etc. This is following the advice of the Internal Auditor, and creates a unique set of Minutes for each month in the year.

80.2 Walditch Ward - Action - reminder to Meeting of one vacancy.


At 7.03 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to air their view on matters of local interest. At 7.10 p.m. the Meeting re-convened to complete the Council's agenda, there being no further matters raised. Presentation by David Farwig from Digital UK.
- From 7.10 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. see separate notes following Minutes.


District Councillors David Tett & Karl Wallace had given apologies.


District Councillor Mark Roberts requested that Parish Councillors note that if they consider a planning matter 'to be referred to Committee', then the District Councillor for the area concerned should be approached to take the matter forward.

WDDC are likely to be moving from their present cramped offices in Stratton House, High West Street, in the next two or three years. Presently WDDC are investigating two locations in the Town, either Charles Street or the Brewery Site development. Stratton House has considerable Health & Safety problems, and is vastly overcrowded with a poor heating system.

The Crown Court building is Grade 1 Listed, and would hopefully be taken over by an organization such as the National Trust. Stratton House is Grade 2 Listed.


Ron Coatsworth outlined that a small group were looking at all the proposed sites for Mountjoy School, with Beaminster being the most favourable new site as it could have excellent links with present facilities. Proposals will go to public consultation in March 2009. The Beaminster Site was also considered favourable as it would preserve Mountjoy as a Primary/Secondary School.

The Coast Road, B 1518, has been repaired in the Rural Roads Protocol Scheme with £500,000 from the Government and £500,000 from DCC. When relaying of road was completed, DCC Engineers made the decision not to replace the cats eyes and white line markings. In response to Ron Coatsworth's letter to The Bridport News, he received 30 replies from the concerned public. This prompted Ron to set up a Meeting with Engineers/Officers invited with the project, and after 2 ½ hours of discussion it was agreed for studs and white markings to be partially replaced - the studs to be more sparsely placed and white lines to be laid at particularly hazardous areas on the road sides. Ron requested that Parish Councillors keep him informed of any further concerns or dangerous incidents on the road.

The plans for the proposed Waste Transfer Site at Gore Cross are to be shared with the public from 29th to 31st January. It was likely that Bradpole Parish Council would set up a petition against the proposal, and generally there is likely to be considerable opposition to WDDC going ahead with their preferred site area.


a) Applications received from WDDC/DC :-
Appeal - Change of use - Church Hayes Farm touring caravan storage. APP/A/08/2088601/NWF
Additional comments (3 copies), were sent by 8th December 2008.
The decision of the Parish Council was to delegate instructions for the Clerk to investigate Additional Comments, by obtaining photographic detail of caravan movements through Main Street & Old Church Road, and to compare comments made at Meeting with previous Objections made to Application 1/D/08/00816.-
(See Parish Matters - 87.1)
1/D/08/002094 - Vodaphone Mast, Walditch.
Parish Councillors were advised of the Application going to Committee on Thursday 15 January 09. No Councillor present will be able to attend.

1/D/08/002125 - Texaco Petrol Filling Station, Bridport.
Clerk advised PC that Bridport Town Council supported Approval. The Petrol Station is alongside the Bothenhampton Walditch Boundary.

1/D/08/002339 - 26 Uplands, Walditch - two storey extn.
To recommend Approval

b) Decisions by WDDC/DCC etc.

1/D/08/001670 - 3 Crock Lane,Bridport - erection of 3 bungalows - Refusal.

1/D/08/001981 - Hyde Farmhouse, Walditch - alterations - Approval.

1/D/08/001957 - 9 Main Street, Bothenhampton - install wood burning stove - Approval.

1/D/08/002093 - Blackthorn Farm, Shipton Gorge - erect polytunnel - Prior Approval not required.

1/D/08/002007 & 1/D/08/002006 - two storey extn. - Listed Building Approval.

1/D/08/002074 - 41 Pasture Way - two storey extn. - Refusal

TP/08/00372 - 3 Chestnut Road - clean crown of Chestnut tree - confirm that work can be carried out.


i) Statement of Account as at 31 December 2008 - £5186.31

N.B. Informed Parish Council about application for Section 106 monies - £5,000 - awaiting payment.

ii) Accounts for Payment.

Less outstanding cheques:-

989 - Clerk's Nov. salary £352.43
990 - Clerk's Dec. salary 352.43
991 - Inland Revenue (3 months) 264.33
992 - Clerk's expenses 42.59
993 - Clerk's Accommodation Exp. 97.50
994 - St.Mary's, Walditch 900.0
995 - Holy Trinity, Bothenhampton 900.00 Total £2909.28

Balance £2277.03

Proposed for payment by Bob Dennis, seconded by Elizabeth Welch, and carried by all Parish Councillors present.


Agenda 87 - Parish Matters. - tabled to Parish Councillors present at Meeting on Monday 12 January 2009.

87.1 - Appeal Notice for WDDC Application 1/D/08/00816, Church Hayes Farm, change of use to touring caravan storage - Action - Parish Council Response - summary details to be delegated for preparation by Clerk - see notes in 85.PLANNING.
The Clerk read out a letter from C.G. Fry & Son's Agent, David Lohfink, regarding the photographing of a touring caravan through Main Street being sanctioned by the Parish Council. He accused the Parish Council of setting up the placement of vehicles to impede traffic flow. It was decided by Parish Councillors to instruct the Clerk to seek advice from WDDC Monitoring Officer, Roger Green, as to how to respond to the letter. Action - Having sought advice, Clerk in consultation with Vice Chairman decided not to reply, as all the allegations in the letter were without foundation and any reply may cause further unnecessary written comments to be made.

87.2 - Confidential Item - see separate notes attached - to be filed with January 2009 Minutes - Action Clerk
Quotations for Grass Cutting Services - Agreed to offer contract to Trevors Gardening Services.

87.3 - Router problem re Clerk's PC - Clerk outlined problem that personal computer, when in use, was causing the Parish Council Router to malfunction. Action - Clerk to consult with DAPTC, to obtain technical support

87.4 - Freedom of Information - update from Clerk
- In line with section 20 of the Act, the Information Commissioner has approved a new model publication scheme which should be adopted by all public authorities and will be effective from 1 January 2009. Action - Clerk to consult with DAPTC - All Parish Minutes are presently published on the Bothenhampton web site - www.bothenhampton.co.uk Clerk to ensure that Parish Council has in place a copy of the model scheme, and will present documents to the next Meeting.

87.5 - HM Revenue & Customs - Annual Return on line - Action - Clerk
Clerk may complete the Annual Return voluntarily for May 2009 - compulsory from 2010.

87.6 - Speed Data - Walditch - Action - Clerk
Clerk informed Meeting that Parish Council has been notified that a recent traffic survey in Walditch Road revealed a very low number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit of 30 m.p.h. In conclusion, the site does not qualify for a Speed Indicator device (SID).

87.7 - Schedule of Meetings for 2009/10 - see separate sheet.
List distributed to Parish Councillors and attached to filed Minutes.

87.8 - Parish Precept - update from Clerk.
Precept of £17583 has been approved, which is a 0.5% increase from 2008/09.

87.9 - Homewatch Meeting in March - update from Clerk.
Need to confirm Thursday 5 March as date of Bothenhampton Homewatch Meeting. Action - Clerk to arrange mailings etc.

87.10 - Friends of John Holt Play Area - £1000 Grant to be used by June2009.
Action - Parish Councillor Pennie Jones to investigate.

87.11 - Walditch Sycamore Avenue - update from Clerk.
Graham Cox is planning a meeting with the landowners to establish their obligations for management of the Sycamore Avenue.

88.CORRESPONDENCE - to be tabled at Meeting.

88.1 - Sustainable Communities Act - Meeting - Friday 16th January - details from Clerk.
88.2 - DAPTC Newsletter - Autumn/Winter - distribution to all Councillors.
88.3 - Bridport Stakeholders Meeting - 29/1/09 - invitation to PC - letter to Colin Sparkes who plans to attend the Meeting.
88.4 - Fieldwork CPRE Journal - to Audrey.
88.5 - DAPTC Circular 16/08 - Courses Programme.
Colin Sparkes to attend New Councillors Course - Tuesday 3 February 2009 at 7 p.m..
Chris Dobbs & Karl Wallace to attend 'Bring your own Chair' - Tuesday 10 March 2009 at 7 p.m..
Chris Dobbs to attend Clerk's Seminar - Wednesday 1 April 2009.
All Courses have been confirmed with DAPTC.
88.6 - Communities in Control documents.
88.7 - Corporate Performance 2008 - documents.
88.8 - Dorset Wildlife Trust letter - to Karl Wallace.

The next Meeting will be held in Bothenhampton Village Hall on Monday 9 March 2009 commencing at 7 pm.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 9 p.m.


Mrs Garlick asked about the progress of having a Speed Indicator Device (SID), in Walditch Road leading past The Hyde Nursing Home. The Clerk informed Mrs Garlick of the Parish Council being informed that a traffic survey revealed a very low number of vehicles exceeding the speed li9mit of 30 m.p.h., so the site would not qualify for a SID.
Some concern was expressed by Mrs Garlick that vehicles in Uplands sometimes exceeded 40 m.p.h. She also mentioned, on behalf of Mrs Grimshaw, that drainage problems were identified in Walditch Road adjacent to the Real Tennis Court. Action - for Clerk to pass on information to Parish Councillor Peter Tobutt, who is presently in contact with DCC

Roger Ffooks wished all Parish Councillors a Happy New Year from the Residents Association. He wondered if the Planning Inspectorate had considered the proposed Touring Caravan Storage Site Appeal.

Roger also asked if the footpath in Hollow Way had been cut back as agreed by DCC in August 2008. Action - Clerk to investigate.

Presentation by David Farwig from Digital UK

Digital TV in the South West of England will commence on Wednesday 6 May, initially with BBC 2 only for a two week period (6/5 to 20/5). If you presently have a good picture, then there is no need for a new aerial. Analogue TV just needs a digibox to convert the signal to digital. These can be purchased for about £15 for the cheapest models, and one of these boxes needs to be fitted to every analogue TV in your home. All new digital TV fitted with Freeview will also receive analogue up until changeover. Digital signals will be transmitted from Stockland Hill, and the Relay Station at Eype Down, at full strength as from 6 May 2009.

Help Scheme information should have recently been distributed, and people over 75 are eligible for free connection.

David Farwig was thanked for his informative input, and all present were asked to support residents in the community who needed guidance to ensure ease of transfer of digital TV on 6 May 2009.