Minutes of the Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council meeting held in the Church Hall, Bothenhampton on Monday 11th February 2002 7.30pm.

Present:- Mr Matthews(Chairman), Professor Eastham (Vice Chairman),Mrs Regan, Mr Yates, Mrs Clements, Mr Harrison, Mrs England. In attendance M.C.Farnham(Clerk), Mr Coatsworth and Rear Admiral Pritchard


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 January 2002 having been circulated to all members, were accepted as a true record of the meeting and duly signed with the following amendment.


Mr Matthews informed the meeting that Mrs Ball would not be attending the meeting as she had written to him resigning from the Parish Council. He also confirmed that Mr Batten had now written confirming his resignation from the Parish Council. The Clerk confirmed that WDDC had been informed of these resignations and he had put up the required notices advertising the vacancies. Mrs Regan proposed that a letter is sent to both Mrs Ball and Mr Batten thanking them for the work they had carried out, this was agreed by all the other Councillors.


The Clerk informed the meeting that he had reported to DCC the condition of the green lane next to the Mens Club and also the need for the finger signpost for Footpath No 14 to be re-erected.


Rear Admiral Pritchard reported that WDDC are well into the budget setting progress and that after 10 years WDDC is debt free. Central Government is looking into new ways of funding Local Councils. WDDC are considering the provision of recycling bins for kerb side collection, however, this may take 2 years before it becomes reality.


Mr Coatsworth reported that the replacement of Mountjoy Special School has run into trouble, as DCC does not have the funds available to replace it. Still no news on the new Waste Transfer Station, but one possible site could be available at St Andrews Trading Estate, New DCC Waste Disposal Consultative Document will be available shortly.


At this point the meeting adjourned to enable members of the public to air their views on matters of local interest. The meeting then re-convened to complete the Council's agenda.


The Clerk referred to the documents sent to each Councillor and following a discussion on this matter the Clerk was instructed to raise the question of differences in the code concerning level of share holdings.


The Clerk referred to the copy letter and questionnaire sent out with the agenda and following a short discussion on this matter it was agreed that each Councillor would complete their copy and return it to the Clerk by the end of February 2002.


Mrs Regan gave a short report on this item. Vital Villages has been set up by the Countryside Agency and offers funding of up to £25,000 grants or village communities. In order to obtain this funding there has to be a Strategic Plan drawn up identifying the needs of the community. The aim is to help communities to have a greater say in their own affairs. There is an initial grant of £5000 to aid the setting up of the Strategic Plan. Examples of needs could cover affordable housing, employment, youth, childcare, culture & arts, updating church halls etc. Parish Councils are expected to contribute up to 25% of the grant but this can be done in kind [offsetting expenses & disbursements]. the Parish Council would be the fund holder of any grants awarded. Assistance at all stages of the plan is offered and Simon Thompson of DCA is employed to offer this by talking to Parish Councils and addressing public meetings. Mrs Regan confirmed that she had been approached by several members of the parish to represent then in seeking the support of the Parish Council,as this is essential in order that the work can start. A steering group willing to undertake this work is being formed and some had already met with Councillor Murrey from Chideock as they are supporting Vital Villages in their area. Mrs Regan proposed that the Parish Council supports the steering group in this matter, this was seconded by Professor Eastham and agreed by all the other Councillors. It was also agreed that Professor Eastham, Mrs Regan and Mrs Clements should represent the Parish Council on the Steering Group etc. It was also agreed that Mr Thompson should be invited to attend to give a presentation on Vital Villages before the start of the next Parish Council meeting.


The provision of a Parish Plan will need to be carried out in conjunction with the Vital Villages process. However, a local transport study is being carried out with funding coming from the Countryside Agency and Mrs England and Mr Harrison are involved in this process.


Mr Matthews confirmed that the need to find an office to store the Parish Council paperwork as the volume is such that the Clerk can no longer be expected to keep it at his home. The provision of a computer is also required. This matter was discussed and it was agreed that such a provision was required. Two possible locations were mentioned and these would be followed up. Possible funding for this provision could come as a result of the Vital Villages study.


(a) Applications received from WDDC; Application 1/W/2002/0079 Green Pastures, hollow Way, Bothenhampton, obtain relief of Condition 2 of PA 1/W/1998/0733 - the use hereby permitted shall be discontinued and the land restored to its former use on or before 24 March 2002. Mrs Regan declared an interest and did not take part in this item. Returned confirming Parish Council support for the continued use as a Post Office. Application 1/W/2002/0101 Land adjoining 10 Mountjoy, Bothenhampton, develop land by the erection of 1 bungalow and construct new vehicular access. Returned stating that this should be refused as a previous application had been refused not only by WDDC but also the Dept. of the Environment Planning Inspectorate. Application 1/W/2002/0103 Ridgewood 7 Crock Lane, Bothenhampton, develop land by the demolition of the existing building and erection of 2 dwellings. Returned confirming that the Parish Council believes that the following three items need further clarification before the Parish Council is able to consider this application. (1)there is a spring within the land and details of how this is to be protected needs to be supplied. (2)The application does not give details if the dwellings to be built are single storey or 2 storey. The Parish Council believes the dwellings should be in keeping with existing properties. Application 1/W/2002/0134 land at Copplestone/Marrowbone Lane, Bothenhampton, erect 5 houses with garages and construct new vehicular and pedestrian access. Returned the Parish Council considers that this application should be refused. They believe that the access onto the development, which would create a five-way junction, is dangerous [it is understood that a previous application in this area was refused on this matter]. No plans showing the levels of the proposed development in relation to existing properties. The area concerned has it is believed a badger set. Concern has also been raised on the proposed use of the sewer system to take away surface water. Application 1/W/2002/0183, The Hyde Residential Home, Walditch, make internal alterations to create en-suite to 7 bedrooms. Returned no comments. Application 1/W/2002/0148 Four Winds, Mountjoy, Bothenhampton remove existing hip and dormer and replace with gable wall. Returned no comments.
Application received from DCC; None.
(b) Decisions by WDDC; None
Decisions by DCC; None


  1. The Clerk informed the meeting of the current situation.
  2. The following accounts were approved for payment.
    1. M.C.Farnham Salary for February 2002 £203.54.
    2. WDDC planning application for play area Lower Walditch £95.00.


None received.


  1. Footpaths and Roads; The Clerk informed the meeting that he had now received back reports on the condition of the roads from Mrs England and Mr Harrison.
  2. Street Lighting; NTR
  3. Neighbourhood Watch;NTR
  4. Conservation and Open Spaces; NTR
  5. John Holt Play Area; NTR
  6. New Play Area Walditch; Mr Matthews confirmed that work was still progressing.
  7. A35 Communities Initiative; Mrs Regan confirmed that she had written to Hyder Consulting Ltd. on behalf of the Parish Council requesting them to consider the following.
    1. 30mph on the section of A35 from the junction at the top of East Road to Lee Lane to Crown roundabout.
    2. provision of a Pelican crossing near junction of Maple Gardens to provide a safe crossing to Safeways and the town centre.
  8. Bridport Regeneration Area Partnership Committee; Meeting held on the 11 February 2002 at which Mr Matthews and Mrs England attended.


  1. From DCC; None
  2. From WDDC; copy of letter dated 21 January 2002 to DCC concerning trees at rear of Chestnut Road, Bothenhampton.
  3. Letter dated 21 January 2002 from Mr B. Regan asking the Parish Council to support the renewal of his planning application in relation to Bothenhampton Post Office. Agenda for the Western Area meeting of DAPTC to be held on 25 February 2002. Agenda of the West Dorset Western Area Transport Action Group meeting to be held on 14 February 2002. DAPTC February 2002 Newsletter.

There being no further business for discussion the meeting closed at 9.45pm.


  1. Removal of noticeboard outside old post office
  2. Vital Villages
  3. Condition of surface of Green Lane next to Men's Club.
  4. Open space within the Lower Walditch Development.
  5. Proposed Play Area for Lower Walditch Development
  6. Planning Application 7 Crock Lane.
  7. Planning Application Copperstone/Marrowbone Lane.